
zaterdag 4 mei 2024

On the Painting Desk 280

 As said last week, I made a lot of progress on the various projects this week, yet don't have anything really spectacular to show for it.

All three projects received attention, being it the Akhelian, the Horns or the Reavers.

But to say that one now really stands out as having received the most attention, I can't really say.  Though I am realising that at the current mindset and mood, I enjoy painting the Underworlds bands the most, so they will probably be the first ones to be rounded out on the table.

The coming weeks with spring finally arriving will be busy, and a few WHU tournaments on the way as well, so I won't have hourlong sessions running anymore the coming period.  Never the less, I hope to get at least one of the three done by the end of may, and in an ideal world at least 2 out of the 3.

Check back next week to see what progress has been made again!

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