
zondag 9 juni 2024

The Haul Report 398: it's anime time!

 Kicking off this week, it's time for some additional reading material!

As my Archonia My Box arrived, delivering some fresh volumes for series I'm subscribed to with them.

So that means volume 11 of the immensely cute My Dress Up Darling, as well as the newest instalment of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime are now added to the (to big for confort tbh) manga pile I need to dive into.

My haul from TokyoCatch also arrived this week, and as a result I have some lovely figures for the collection, ready to be unboxed soon.

Last sunday I was also at a flea market, helping mom selling stuff from my passed away father last summer.  But that doesn't mean I wouldn't go round for a little tour and score some stuff.

And the inner person also got strengthened this week, as I obtained some gift boxes.  The Duvel one I bought purely for the lovely glass, while I got the other one for it's intresting beers from a brewery, De Kip (aka, the chicken) which I haven't tasted anything from.

And then the final haul... a new (or rather, renewed) nipple piercing, as a bday gift from Noshi.

So this is an awesome week full with the good stuff, joyous times!

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