
donderdag 11 juli 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Casual Gamenight: Experimenting time

 Time for the weekly visit to the Outpost gamecafe to get some Underworlds in, and this week I brought two very experimental warbands and decks along.

One of them will become my main-liner for a future event, but I still need to tune which one.

On the one hand, I have beloved Cyreni, coupled now to Breakneck Slaughter for some aggro squid-ing, while on the other hand I coupled the Crimson Court to Paths of Prophecy for more objective play with some decent all rounder warriors.  The latter I know I will need to tweak before their first fielding, as the deck as a first try-out though only has 13 glory in it for now.  So I sat down with Peter (it was only the both of us tonight) and I gave the bands a try.

The first game put my Cyreni's Razors, using Breakneck Slaughter, up against an also Breakneck Slaughter empowered Headman's Curse.  Renglaith immediatly infiltrated the battlefield, striking at the Bearer of the Block and wounding the chainrasp.

Alathyrr moved up, and took the wounded ghost down, but Renglaith was taken down by the Headsman himself, causing the ghost to re-appear.

With the Sharpener of the Blade already damaged by Hammertide, Cyreni couldn't finish him off though, as the Headsman was now in the way unfortunatly, and the first round ended with a 6-5 lead for the Idoneth.

The second round began with Alathyrr positioning herself better and taking down the Scriptor of the Sentence.  

Supported by Cephanyr though, the ghostly storm gathered around her, and after being scapegoated she fell in a flurry of spookly attacks.

This left only Cephanyr and Cyreni to deal with the once again fully numbered Nighthaunts, and the Headsman Curse now had a 8-10 lead on the board.

Moving forward, Cyreni dispatched the Sharpener of the Blade with a magic bolt, as I couldn't bump my damage enough to take one of the others down instead.  

But the mighty Headsman moved in, and in a battle between the leaders the Idoneth Tidecaster was struck down by the huge sword.

Leaving only Cephanyr now on the table, there wasn't much the brave squid could do anymore, and the game ended at a 14-18 victory for the Headsman's Curse.

So this aggro approach might have some ring to it, but I'm not convinced yet to be honest.  Maybe I should go indeed the more standard approach with the Razors, opting for one of the more calmer decks like Rimewyrm or good old Force of Frost, but I am going to give it some more tries though beofe tossing it over a whole different approach.

The second game was highly experimental, with the Crimson Court and their only 13 base glory deck of Paths of Prophecy.  The plan was to play the deck, then see which cards I would need to cycle out for some heavier scoring ones.
Opposing the nobility of the night where Cyreni's Razors with the Rimewyrm Bite deck mixed in, so ping damage would be a thing.  

The game started with a Hammertide on Gorath, but he healed and would inspire as a result after the turn, and scoring some good points along the way for being on an objective with a wound token.

Cephanyr and Renglaith teamed up on him though, and my vampire fell to the furry of blows, alas as such no inspiring would take place, but also not my spellcaster's handy inert spell of toggling hunger and wound counters.  In hindsight, as I needed that objective for a card in the end phase, I should have moved him off and reclaimed it in my final activation.

Ennias and Vellas claimed the objectives on my half of the table, and scored some cards as a result, the first round ending 6-6.

The second turn started smoothly, with Ennias racing over the battlefield and alphastriking Cyreni down.

But on the other side, Prince Duvalle botched his attack rolls, failing to take Alathyrr down which was a crucial part of the plan for this round unfortunatly.

Wounded in return himself, Vellas steps in but doesn't manage either to land a blow, this time on Cephanyr.  Seems lady Luck is compensating for the fall of Cyreni...
The round ended at an 8-10 lead for the Razors, and with two vampires remaining as Ennias fell to the blows of Renglaith, this would be a hard pressed last round for the Crimson Court.

And it didn't start any better, with Prince Duvalle striken down by Renglaith now.

I started to go Voltron on Vellas as a result, with Vampiric Might and Armour of Marussi making her a Bloodthirsted monster (immune to ping damage, and +2 damage if she rolled crits).  She threw herself amongst the Idoneth, scything down Cephanyr, but failing to take out Alathyrr.  Had that second one also succeeded I might had a chance, but with the objectives in hand, I knew I couldn't catch up to Peter anymore now.

Vellas was struck, but luckily Undying Evil saved her, and in return she dispatched the thrall.

Only Vellas and Renglaith now remained, and while she approached him, the thrall chose safety abobe bravery, and ended the battle by moving away and giving the Razors a 14-18 win.

So, that's two games ending at 14-18, serious scoring going on.  While as I said I'm not convinced yet about Aggro Idoneth, the second deck does have music in it.  I pinpointed two or three objectives I'll be cycling out to get some bigger points gathering ones in, and that I feel now are actually scoreable like Portents of Doom instead of the be inspired one for the Court.  Heck, I guess I can play the Court not caring about inspiring with this deck, aiming for the Bloodthirst instead as a sure boost in round 3, all the rest being bonus for them.

Time for some tinkering, and then we will bring them back to the table for certain, this is going to be the warband to learn to pilot going upwards to any possible future events.

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