
vrijdag 16 augustus 2024

A citytrip to Eindhoven: Beer, churches and boobs!

 Sometimes as parents, you need to be able to get that weekend away, and we did just that the past weekend.

With Thorin staying at his grandmother, we went to celebrate our 7 year anniversary with a citytrip, and the choice fell to Eindhoven for no particular reason.

So we made the about an hour long drive to there, and after smooth traffic arrived in the dutch "city of light" where everything is influenced by the Phillips lightbulb factory.  



We set out for a first exploration walk, and look for some lunch, which we found at the very cosy Loods 61.  We ordered some good looking sandwiches, and I managed to obtain the first beer discovery of the weekend with the Vuur en Vlam IPA by De Molen.  No idea though what is up with the shoes...

A bit further in this artistic neighbourhood alley, we ran into Eppo's comic store, which also packed a wide selection of manga.  I picked up Terra Formars 15, and then another first volume of a series I know nothing about, but Noshi insisted I bought it, because, well, boobs.


Walking around, we came to the Sint Catherinakerk in the centre of Eindhoven, right next to the bar area and shopping streets.  We went in to watch this beautifull church, which also had an exhibition about the archeological finds made a few decades ago, as this church was build in the second half of the 20th century "crossed" across the fundaments of the old church.

Time for a little stop on this clear blue sky day, and then it was off to the hotel room, but not after passing a SanRio store first.

We had a luxury room in the Westcot hotel, and yes, that came with a hot tub in which I spend like every free moment we where in the room.  


And then it was off for some relaxationed drinking, as we found a specialised beerbar, Bierprofessor, and the untapped number would rise.  Noshi discovered the so-called "milkshake smoothies beers", in this case by Nepo from eastern europe.

A few drinks later, it was time to find some dinner, and we opted for a fun called steak restaurant: Smeagol.  

Eindhoven also has some awesome, impressive pieces of street art littered around the centre.

Then it was back for a few more beer discoveries before tucking in for the night.

The morning after, breakfast was served, very tasty and with a wide selection.


We took a little stroll and had some iced coffee's, as it was hitting over 30 degrees at midday, and then it was time to drive back and collect our little tornado.  Though some heavy manouevring was required to get out of my parking space I must say...

So that was a nice overnight relaxation to charge the batteries at the beginning of the holidays  and to celebrate our anniversary.

Eindhoven is definitly worth a visit, and next time, I'll make sure to know where the game stores and used book stores are located, as we didn't go around searching for those, that wasn't my goal on this trip.

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