
dinsdag 1 oktober 2024

Entering the final quarter: september yearly goals update

 Already three fourths of the year have passed by, meaning it is time for the overview of how much progress I made in the yearly goals.

And honestly, it looks like the year will have a lot of "failures" at the way things progress...

The "sure fails" from the previews overview are still at that point, with nothing painted so far for either Warmaster of HOTT, and unlikely I'll start that in the next and final quarter either, so I already marked them as red.

The same goes for painting 250 heroic Chaos Dwarf models.  That tally has increased now, standing at 10 out of 250, but the end total is unreachable.  Add to that as I already have a rough idea for the goals next year, being to focus and complete tournament sized armies for various games.  That means I've already began painting towards those ends, to have the required amount of work lowered, and the Chaos Dwarfs being (far over) tournament participation size anyways.

Painting the remaining Underworlds warbands won't be a succes either.  While I already finished 7 this year, there have been just as much (actually, even more) added to the collection so that particular goal even is further from achieving then it was at the beginning of the year, that happens if you buy a whole collection half of september...

One goal I might still make though is the Idoneth army, now standing at 650 out of 2000 points with the AoS 4 points change (850 if legends are allowed), but with work underway to at least finish my Spearhead force, these points are still rising.  That means perhaps at least single painting goal might be achieved this year...

On the watching movies and series level, it is still all to play for, with movies standing at 15 out of 20, while series is now at 13 out of 20.  These will depend mostly on wether me and Noshi will binge through some backlog or not in the final quarter still.  

The same can be said for both the anime challenges.  While for the reasons I mentioned in the previous update I can't fully complete the OVA challenge, now standing at 20 out of 85, it can still significantly add to the total anime challenge of viewed anime this year, which now is at 37 out of 100.

For all three reading challenges, I believe it will work out in the end, even though the numbers currently are a bit low.  The rulebooks / books are at 5 out of 10, so no problems there to reach the goal.  The manga are now at 14 volumes read of the target 25, so that will also be fine.  For the magazines / fanzines, some reading time will be needed to be made free, but at 11 out of 50 that actually is still do-able, even though it looks like a huge gap.

The complete the Date A Bullet cards remained at 9 out of 19, but that is because I don't want to shelf down a few hundred euro's for the signed rares and such so far.

The final goal, which was already succesfull, is the yearly beer discovery, as the numbers have rissen and now stands at 90 new beers out of 50, but cruelly put that is almost a sureshot goal.  Last holiday for example, I tasted no less then 20 beers on the various stops we made, and there is still a beer festival on the horizon.
So there we have it, the raw data for the yearly goals, in what is looking like an unfortunate year in achieving those.  But heck, whatever we can obtain, we will still push forward for, and then we will see how the ship sails into the harbour... 

See you at the finale for this year!

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