
woensdag 20 november 2024

Skuffle Wammer: The universe's smallest wargame

 Well, here is something comical to view.

While scrolling through Wargames Vault for some solo play suited games, I came across this little thing.

It's Pay what you want, so you can grab it for free, and written by Seth Kenlon.  Labelled as the worlds smallest wargame, it is actually that: two figures, a few dice, and you play it while for example making coffee.  The creator states it's a great thing to put in your backpocket at a convention and have that fast encounter with someone on the side of a table or such.

The play area is your desk or wherever, the scenery is the clutter lying around, and the game system consist of three simple rules.

So instead of just doing a short write-up that might take longer then the whole rules, let's take out two of the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp Crisis figures from past ages (that way, they come out as well for once) and have a game of Skuffle Wammer!
Just some innocent fun indeed, so head over to Wargames Vault and have a download of this little ball of fun!

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