
dinsdag 26 november 2024

Spellcaster issue 4

 Time for another Spellcaster issue, and in this 4th volume we are getting Legendary soldiers in Frostgrave.

So I guess that means special characters going by the cover of the magazine.

Mr McCullough starts of with his editorial, and an explanation that these legendary soldiers are actually troops that have a skill or two, making them slightly better then normal troops, but also some points of view on the other articles in the issue.

And we immediatly jump into the cover story, as these soldiers are only available to certain levels of wizards, as they don't work for a nobody.  A warband can have a maximum of 8, and never more then 1 of the same type.  But if you are famous enough, you can add Bookbounds, Captains, Shadow-walkers and more very specialized types of warriors in your bidding to unlock the ultimate treasures.

Next up, we follow on the Rangifers from issue 3 with a solo scenario for those warbands, Demon Tide.  In this dungeon interior adventure, the band must solve a budding demon gathering... and prevent them from getting loose.

Casting Roll Criticals are rules that didn't make final cut of the rulebook, ad what happens with the spells if you either critically succeed or critically fail your casting roll.  You'd love to have the first, but want to avoid the latter at all costs.  The long list of spells in the game of course make this the longest article in the issue, as the effects are detailed for each and every one of them.

Incinerator is a scenario to be played either solo or in co-op in the Ghost Archipelago setting (which reminds me I need to make a warband of Chaos Dwarf pirates for this game still) where your crew needs to escape a Snake-man temple.

In Fury of the Frost Giants, we get a scenario that has to be played with at least 4 players with wizards of at least level 10.  So as you can imagine, not for the weak!  You are facing a group of giants after all, not some lowely kobolds!

In Frostgrave on Tour, there is a review of a Frostgrave themed trip you can make to Estonia with Geek Nation Tours, staying in an apptly suited castle in the snow.  This actually looks bloody cool (no pun intended) and had I been 15 years younger I might actually have signed up on this!

But that is it for this issue of Spellcaster, which had some fun things to try out in your games, especially the criticals for casting!

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