
zaterdag 16 november 2024

The Haul Report 408: it is like a sort of thrifting I guess

 Well, getting a heap of stuff at a small expense is always great fun, and this is about everything that I shopped this time round.
And it was aimed mostly at filling up some gaps and making use of promotions as I have been spending in the past weeks.

Another shipment arrived from TokyoCatch, though these will be for my trading pages I guess, they where easy to grab opportunities.
 Next, I obtained the Gorechosen of Dromm through my local dealer PromoKings to fill out another gap in the Underworlds collection. 

Another pre-order I made through the GW site, was the Stormcoven.  Which we all know of course by their "true" name, Domitan's Stormcoven.   Now that you no longer need to buy the cards, as all becomes digital in edition 2 for their stats, they where pick up able without need of getting the whole Wyrdhollow box.
Both the above items weren't even for my personal collections, but for the price support of tournaments I will be running in 2025, one for Underworlds version 2 and one for Spearhead, so watch T3 or this blog in due time for more information.

I have also been doing some cheapskate shopping on Vinted, picking up some older rulebooks dirt cheap for that occasional review and home game.  The first, shown above, was the 2nd edition Kings of War book which I got for 2.50 euro.

From another vendor, I got the Moonstone playdeck and both the older Conquest rulebooks for a grand total of 9.00 euro.  Unfortunatly the Rules of Engagement turned out to be the italian version, oh well, I should have asked before buying.

Talking being cheapskate and rulebooks, I did some Malifaux purchasing on Wayland Games when they ran their -40% promotion, the 2nd edition rulebook costing me 2.50 euro and the figures another 11.00.

I also picked up another rulebook from Vinted, the good old classic DBA.  Building an army for this is dirtcheap, and who knows I might actually get to some event for that.  At least it will help reducing the pile of 15mm historicals a bit that still linger in the garage. 

Now back to being able of blocking in style with these Chaos Dwarf inspired Blood Bowl dice, I can only hope to fare better in my next match!

But, we started with cheap stuff, so we'll end this overview with some actual free stuff.  While sorting through the next 9 bags (yep, still from the mother-in-law's theatre company) of books, I found two more right down my alley.

Oh, and I started a new collection... I already wanted to do this during the summer holidays, but now I bit the bullet and began collecting the Efteling sets by LuVille.  Some have music and lights, and I'll be, overtime, creating a diorama in the living room cabinets.

So, a big and impressive haul report this time round, yet all in all it was pretty cheap!

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