
vrijdag 27 december 2024

The end of the year 2024 goal overview

 And so the year of the Chaos Dwarf comes to a close, and sadly it is a year of great failure.

Due to circumstances, and being sidetracked to often, I didn't keep focus on the goals I've set at the beginning of the year, which led to a lot of "red lines" in the overview.

And this on about every front... for example, the anime goals weren't met, more on that later, due to catching up (at last) on a lot of YouTube battle reports I've been watching, some that where in the watch later list for over 4 years.  Painting goals fell through due to not keeping focus on the year's targets, causing projects to drop off by the side, while in the case of Underworlds more bands where added then actually painted, leaving a bigger backlog then the numbers I started the year with.

Never the less, I did collect my focus a little in the last quarter compared to the september overview, and as a result at least finished SOME goals bar the beer drinking, so let's have a look at the data!
First things first, let's be short on the goals of building both a Warmaster and a HOTT force: neither was that first one even started this year, and it might be a while before I actually do, while the second one only saw the completion of a single base.  But more of the reasons for that will become clear when I upload the 2025 goals post tomorrow.
So then move on towards the first big goal: paint 250 heroic scale miniatures for my Chaos Dwarf forces.  This failed immensely, with only 48 painted out of 250, and that number was down to 10 as far as september.  In the final quarter, I did pick up some more steam and finished models for the range, but as I said at the beginning, I have been seriously sidetracked.  The Year of the Chaos Dwarf as such has been a huge fizzle.
For the Underworlds goal, I'm a bit on mixed feelings.  Certainly, I painted strongly for those, completing 10 warbands this year.  But due to circumstances like buying a whole collection or two, the amount of actually to finish warbands has increased the gap further then at the beginning of the year.  But when a deal comes along you can't pass up...

I did make some good progress on the planned Idoneth army, ending at 790 points of the 2000 points projected, and for casual games I can add 200 points to the tally due to both Underworlds warbands being in the Legends section. 

So, that's it for the painting section, though it did have some serious influence on other goals.  As I have been going more intense into painting after the summer holidays, having sworn off online games as they just kept wrecking my paint schedule.  But that also meant I was watching, well listening mostly, more to YouTube backlogs (some as old as 5 years in my "watch later" list) on battle reports and game system reviews.  As a result, the anime viewing took a serious hit, not helped with Noshi going in one of her I don't feel like watching spells on top.  Which also kind of reflected on regular series as she was more into MTV shows the last quarter of the year...

I did make it though for both movies to watch and series to watch in the end, although only scraping past the 20 mark for each barely.  The movies ended at 20 movies seen, while the series clocked out at 20 for this year, and so many still on the to finish part.

For anime, the numbers are even worse, my challenge of clearing the backlog failing bit time as I ended at 31 out of the planned 85.  On a positive side, it are older anime's seen now, and we are a few steps closer to the 1000 finished series.  Because in total, I saw 48 anime this year, and agreed that is only around the halfway mark of the projected 100, it still is a nice stack in the end.

The same goes for reading, not enough hot tubs in the year means not enough stuff read.  I did manage to complete the books / rulebooks goal, having read 10 out of the projected 10 pieces.  But the manga fell short of the goal of 25, with 16 volumes read this year, while the fanzines backlog clearing wasn't great either, clocking out on 16 out of the perhaps to far stretched goal of 50.  Still, I hope next year I'll be adding some more to that tally, it will depend on the heavy painting goals I have set myself for 2025... and the free time I will have in between.

The goal of completing the Date a Bullet cards was one I knew from the outset I couldn't reach, as it are mostly the signature cards still missing, and some go over a few hundreds of euros each, a sum I'm not planning on putting down anytime soon, and I obtained 9 cards out of the missing final 19.

But we end on a positive note, as we did achieve the goal of beer drinking.  Honesty obliges me, I suffered from a serious burn-out near the end of the year, which resulted in me barely drinking a single beer, but never the less I did add 121 new discoveries to my Untappd page this year out of the projected 50 for the goal.  Guess that's three years in a row that one gets completed succesfully, and with only a single beer festival attended this year.
So, not at all a great year goals wise, due to some heavy butterflying on my part.  But when I upload the new goals tomorrow, I'm handling that actually in them, even though it'll mean I won't succeed in all of them!  
So stay tuned for tomorrow!


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