
woensdag 29 januari 2025

Fabelzel 3D printed Blunderbuss additions and some odds and ends

 Time to boost the forces a bit with the upcoming tournaments!
And to that end, I painted up some more Blunderbusses for my regiment.
Like the initial "line of 10", they are 3D printed models from the excellent Fabelzel line, which gives an updated look to the old school big hat esthetic.
 With this addition, the regiment now features 20 strong, so we can go blasting away at short but deadly range, with a theoretical potential of 60 shots in The Old World for them.
I also finished some small things alongside them, in the form of a small wall section, and a movement tray for the warriors.  Nothing fancy, but it needs to be done in the end...
That won't be happining to soon, but one never knows after all...

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