
dinsdag 28 januari 2025

Pariah Nexus

 Right, time to give another one of those Games Workshop franchise made cartoons a go.

Though I must admit, I liked Blacktalons for the story, the style of animation, for a "connoisseur" of the japanese anime style, isn't really down my alley.  Luckily, this series is a full CGI project, making it look more as an exquisite videogame cutscene movie of high definition.

But, never the less, I sat down and watched this short 3 episode series set in the Warhammer 40k universe.  Set on the planet Paradyce, overrun by Necrons, sister Danica of the Adeptus Sororitas is fighting a desperate last stand.  When teamed up with a guardsman, she runs into Sa'Kar of the Salamanders chapter, who is trying to save the civilians she seems unworthy of saving, fuelled by her hate for the planet to have fallen.

The Necron Illuminor Szeras activated a Deathmark assassin to hunt them down, and just when Danica comes through her hate-fuelled hallucinations, the assassin shoots her down before the Salamander destroys it.  Sa'Kan manages to save a children, sending them west, he goes to hunt Szeras.

But in true 40k style, when the children arrive at the next camp, they are gunned down by the military in order to prevent a brain affecting sickness infesting them...

So, short and grim, and fitting for the 40k universe.  The opposing points of view between Sa'Kar and Danica play out nicely though for such a short series, and it is worth the watch if you are into the game.  

After all, worst that can happen if you don't like it, is that you only spend an hour of your time...

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