
dinsdag 21 januari 2025

TSA Escalation League 2025: Marienburg Crossbowmen

 More Landsknecht missile troops from Warlord Games Pike & Shotte Italian Wars range with the next unit for my Empire force!

And this time, it is a unit of 10 crossbowmen, providing more firepower to the force in the initial stages.

Like the units before, I painted the models in a beige, blue and red scheme for the city of Marienburg, where my force hails from.  Making it an army that will be without "religious" units like Priests, Knightly Orders and Lectors for example (I guess the only priest they would have is a coinmaster), I want to give it a feel of an army bought instead of trained.  To that end, I will have a core of statetroops, rounded with all kinds of more exotic soldiers like ogres and halflings.

The unit consist of 10 troops, and will go without command in the force, eventually merging into a detachment for a larger unit as will the handgunner units of the army.

And that is the final regiment for the initial 500 points painted up, now to take to the field of battle and start expanding on the army!


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