
woensdag 26 februari 2025

The substitute Bull Centaur

 Well, Games Workshop still hasn't made additional copies of their Bull Centaurs for Blood Bowl, so it was time to make a stand-in.
Because the 28th of february I have a game going, and the newest addition to the Vongalazthag Violators needs to be on the pitch.

To that end, I took one of the heaps of 3D printed Fabelzel Bull Centaurs in my bits box, and moving aside other paint projects went to prepare him.  That meant clipping of his weapons and put him on a suitable round base.

He also got the painting crash course, in order to get him ready to take to the pitch as swift as possible ("swift" might be relative for a massive chunk of armoured Dwarf and Bull hybrid), but The Raging Trainwreck is ready for the game until I get my hands on the official ones to go with the team.

Now to just pummel those Skaven whom are hundreds of rating points above me into the pitch!

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