
maandag 17 februari 2025

TSA Escalation League 2025: Command Groups

 Round 2 of the Escalation League is in full swing, and that means expanding the force.

Now, the first and foremost thing I wanted to add this round to my army, are command groups for my infantry line regiments.

Coming from the Warlord Games landsknecht line, these metal models are now fitting in nicely with the plastics I used for both the halberdiers and greatsword regiments.

For the banners, I printed a free sheet from Foundry's website, and then painted over the designs, changing the colours to suit my army.  These banners actually where those of King Richard III (the boar design) and the Duke of Bedford (the tree trunk design).

Gamewise, I can add some magic items for now to both the standard and the greatsword champion to fill up some points, to be able to be exchanged later in the campaign for items or troops elsewhere.

Next for these regiments, probably in round 4 or so, the numbers will be boosted to bring them up to the 20+ models range and become true combat units, which is also the moment the small missile troop units will merge with them as detachments.

But that is for in a few weeks, first some other models require painting for the League.

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