
woensdag 12 februari 2025

Warhammer Underworlds solo: A Crushing Terror - Rampage: The Skinnerkin

 Now with the small table I got for my mancave from Secret Santa, I can finally start the wave off series for version 1 of Underworlds, putting all the painted warbands through the A Crushing Terror series where they face a Fomoroid Crusher.

And the first warband that gets this honour, are the Skinnerkin, a bunch of depraved, crazed cooks out to get some nice haunches of meat from the big beast!

And so we deployed the board (I didn't bother for objectives this round, as I found from the past this will only come into play in the third scenario mostly), and the Skinnerkin surrounded the afternoon snack.

In this scenario, your warband comes prepared with an upgrade for each of the warriors in the band already equipped, though they can't obtain any others during the game.

And the game started, the big beast charging the Flensemaster, hitting him and with his 3 damage attack taking the poor ghoul out.

The scenario rules cause one of your models to be inspired as a result, so Kretch got the go for this.

He duly charged the big monster with his meatcleaver, and with The King Hungers granting 2 dice as I hadn't scored any haunches yet.

Rolling a mighty 4 dice, with a crit, he wounded the beast for 3 damage out of it's 10, and scored two haunch counters for the Skinnerkin.

He also staggered the big beast, and caused a further wound by breaking his Gruesome Gourmand upgrade.

But moments later, he was pounded into the ground by the Breaker attack from the large monster.

And as such, Seddrik was now inspired.

Using Get out of my Larder! the Carnskyr advanced towards the beast.

Seddrik then attacked, having the support of it's winged companion.  Scoring a crit, and having cleave from his upgrade, he cut through the beasts defences, scoring another wound.

But the Fomoroid turned, and wielding a massive pillar he smacked poor Seddrik to the ground, now inspiring Gristla herself as a result.

The Carnskyr used it's upgrade (I forgot to use it a turn earlier), ripping a piece out of the Fomoroid's skin.

With three haunches obtained now, the remaining members also Inspired.

The bat-beast flew over the Fomoroid in it's charge, but failed to wound him again unfortunatly.

It's attack went better though, as he took a bite of the monster and weakening it further, while his upgrade took another wound from the beast, putting it on 7 wounds now.

But it was smacked down then, as the Breaker kept wreaking havoc.

Drawing Aspiring Artisan to re-roll dice, Gristla decided to remain where she was, as this would force the Fomoroid to just advance in the next turn, keeping her safe from his strikes.

Cards where drawn and I moved on to the second round as such.

Using the Advance behaviour, the Fomoroid closed the gap to the surviving Skinnerkin leader.

Playing Aspiring Artisan as well as Greedy, Greedy! the ghoul chef prepared herself.

Charging in, she hit the beast with a massive two crits, knocking off the final wounds.

And with a loud bellow, the Fomoroid Crusher went down!  The cooking staff had done it and taken the beast out... for now.

So, a first success for the chefs of the Flesheater Courts, but there are still some more scenario's to be played out.  Will they continue on this path, or will the beast prove to be to strong to overcome in the end?

Find out next time in the second scenario of A Crushing Terror!

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