
dinsdag 5 februari 2019

TSA Clubevening of the 1st of February 2019

Well, I admit it has been a while since I gotten around to make a true picture roundabout of the clubgames being played, but past friday I made one once again.

While I personally was playing Future War Commander, which you can read about HERE, there was of course a lot of other stuff going on.

Glenn was introducing some people to the Dux campaign he is going to be running, set in the Viking age.

The 40k League was in full swing as well, as three tables hosted games... unfortunatly, that`s 6 armies and none painted completely, get those brushes out you slackers, there is a very big battle on the horizon!

Wargaming in 2mm was played by Barend and Marc this week.

A game of Napoleonics "cubes" going on

A fantasy battle in full swing, making use of the Ninth Age ruleset.

Great War boardgame being played by Koen and Tom.

Various smaller boardgames where being ran by Dirk.

While the more in depth boardgames of course also saw play.

And all the while, Patrick was guiding his party through DnD...

So that was it again for this week, pop by next time I manage (aka, remember) to do a rundown of the games in swing :-)

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