
maandag 28 december 2020

The 2020 Goals, what was achieved?

So, a very, very strange year has gone by, with the pandemic still around and my only club evening dating back to the first week of january.

But I don`t mind, because in March my greatest miniature ever arrived: baby Thorin, making everything else irrelevant.

Of course, these factors combined had a huge impact on my hobby life, and while I churned out a really fantastic numbers of painted stuff, clocking off at 838 models, that didn`t mean I was focussed at all at what I wanted to achieve 12 months ago...

On the contrary, even though some got pretty close to achieving, like the 700pts Rivendell force (I just need to paint up Arwen for Noshi basically and it is done), others fell far short.  The Tau Gundam force, like in the past years, have been an on and off occassional addition, and they end the year at 840 of the projected 2000. 
Now, I expect to get them during the AHPC to 1000 or slighty above, so that will be enough to perhaps get a small game in during the period Covid might finally be over, and they will get some serious boosting as I aim to get them up and running for a big game we have planned at the club the first weekend of october. 

The Crisis models are still 5 short of having painted the full range, so I decided for myself to really get up to speed on them in the coming months.  

In epic paint failures come the Rohan force of 1000 points, currently sitting at a measly 112 but with a new goal system set in place for 2021 (more on that tomorrow) I`m confident that won`t be a problem to get to in 2021, but the Infernal Dwarves for T9A where sold off when I had 1400 pts (out of 4500 projected) and the North Africa italians (30 points out of 3000) where secerly negelected.  On the other hand, I am still going for that T9A force, but I`m sticking to my original plan now of a force of Sonnstahl based on the The Great Wall movie, with a lot of plastic Warlord boxes now in the cellar for that.

The paint 10 larger scenery pieces has been smashed, clocking out at 17 and more will be added in the coming year, and while the Battle Companies fall short at 13 out of the 38 different ones now painted, the AHPC alone should probably be adding 3 or 4 to the completed list for starters.  

On non painting levels, only the Amime series failed (18 as I wanted to watch 30 at least) as Noshi wasn`t really into it this year, and I didn`t have decent headphones for watching something during lunch at work, a problem now solved so next year those numbers will rise again hopefully.  But the other goals, being books (27 out of 20 planned), movies (29 out of 25) and series (17 out of 10) where decently passed.

The wargame conventions and tournaments also came up woefully short from the planning, but we can all tell what happened this year to lead to cancellation after cancellation...

So all in all, it wasn`t to bad a year at all in goal scoring, 2021 will see a totally different set of goals and numbers laid out, so check back tomorrow to see what I will try to achieve then!

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