
dinsdag 29 december 2020

The 2021 Hobby Goals

And here we are, at the start of another year and hopefully one that brings life back to normal.

As always, I`m setting myself some (impossible) hobby goals, and for this year it is going to be all about Lord of the Rings again as "main" target.

And this includes some carry-overs from the last year, and that are some that have been open for quite some years now, namely first and foremost paint up 1000 points of Rohan, and 700 points of Rivendel.  But adding to that I also made a Scouring of the Shire scenario checklist, as I plan on completing every model needed for the small table scenarios.  A fourth target for LotR is completing a 400 points Easterling force.

Now, as far as dedication goes, I`m planning to finish at least 2000 points of Tau Gundam inspired mobile suits for a big battle we will be holding at the club in october, as well as a 4500 Sonnstahl force (my The Great Wall plan) for The 9th Age.


Other goals this year are of a simpler stock: finish all Crisis figures once more, and complete the AHPC goal I set myself.

For the not miniature related stuff, I`m of course aiming at clearing out more backlog as well as getting through new material, and based on what me and Noshi binged last year, the numbers are being shifted a bit again.

I do need to mention first I have put no goal on attending events or conventions, as it isn`t certain at all when the world will get back to normal after the pandemic.  But for the other targets, I aim at the following:


Read 25 Books: a bit higher then last year, as I found a good public communing / doing other stuff balance again.
Watch 25 movies: status quo with last year
Watch 20 series: double of last year, and maybe a bit to ambitious, but the past year me and Noshi have been going through Netflix a lot, and now with Disney+ added...
Watch 20 anime: Noshi is a bit "out of that" for the moment, so a slight decrease on this front, as I nowhere made my goal last year, shame on my otaku soul!

And those are the targets for 2021, no idea what I will reach or if hobby gaming life picks up again in the new normal, but we`ll see!

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