
zondag 15 november 2020

The Haul Report 255

 Walls, walls and more walls... and a single dungeon tile.

Those are the first things I printed up this week, giving me enough material to make the rooms in the next Rangers of Shadow Deep game.

And some furniture for inside... which did remind me I really need to order a new nozzle, luckily for these small items the bit of brittleness is easily camouflaged with a paintjob...

Also for DnD later on, IF we finally can start, is the first of the buildings from the "Leaf Village" I bought last week from 3D Hexes

Another small print try-out is this small arc measurer for T9A, though building an actual army for that is aaaaages away.

All that printing of course needs "fuel" and as such two more rolls of filament have been delivered.

From my regular eBay source I obtained some more figures for Middle-Earth as well this week, with some more Khand warriors as well as another Lossarnach axeman.

So a good week for sure again!

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