
zaterdag 14 november 2020

The Last Witch Hunter

Vin Diesel, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood... quite an ensemble for this fantasy action movie.

But does that mean it is actually any good?

About 800 years ago, a Witch Queen was hunted down by a band of warriors for releasing a plague upon humanity.  At great loss they defeat her, but not without one of them, Kaulder, being cursed with immortality.

Fast forward a few centuries, and black magic is rearing up his head.  Kaulder goes out to investigate, and hunt down the witch that might have caused it.  Through dreamwalking, they discover the heart of the Queen was never destroyed, as this is what keeps Kaulder alive.

However, it turns out to be one big plot, orchestrated by Kaulder's assistant, to bring the Queen back.  Immortality was only bestowed on Kaulder to keep it stored until she returned, and he must face his greatest enemy once again.

So was it any good?  For me, nah, it was a rather meeeeh movie.  It had just to much of a "this could be done as a Riddick movie" vibe for me personally, and I wonder how that would actually have turned out.

So no, this wasn't something I really enjoyed.

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