
zaterdag 28 november 2020

On the Painting Desk 171: AHPC 11 is coming

 The annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has been announced, already in it's 11th iteration (and the 4th one I`ll participate in), so it's glue and undercoat time.

You are only allowed to paint during the three months of the challenge, but are permitted to prepare (aka, assemble and basecoat) your entries before hand, something I've been doing as such last weekend.

I set my target once again at 1000 points, which last year I cut close, so that is a good motivator to push myself.  I hope to do a wide variety of things this year, from rounding out some open projects to painting a lot of Middle-earth and all.  

In a bottom line, wothout location bonusses and all, I should be painting 200 models of scale 28mm to reach the goal, so I`ll see how I can "play" the map for some additional points, as well as how to incorporate a lot of other scales projects and terrain pieces into the equation.
On a normal painting level though, work has been done in the early morning hour slot on the barabusa's I won on Instagram in the beginning of the year.

But excuse me, I have to go back sticking my fingers together now...

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