
zaterdag 28 november 2020

War in Rohan

 As a lover of the Horselords, I looked really forward for this expansion to the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, and how it brings the forces of Isengard against Rohan, culminating in the battle of Helm's Deep.

The book was also accompanied by some gorgeous releases like the Rohan house and the Forge World Dunland characters and troops, but those are for 2021 or something...

Following the pattern of the previous two expansions, the book is littered with pictures from both the game and the movies, and is high quality finished and hardcover as usual for the range.

And right after the Introduction, we dive straight in the action with the 21 Narrative scenarios, of which about 2/3rds handle of course the siege of Helm's Deep, but also the run up to the battle (the Warg Attack on the road to the Deep for example) and the aftermatch battles like the Uruk-hai Retreat.

There are some historical scenarios as well, like when Eorl comes to the aid of Gondor to fight the Variags of Khand, resulting into the founding of the kingdom of Rohan.

The book contains expanded rules for various armies, the most obvious ofcourse being Rohan and Isengard, but also quite a growth for the Dunland forces, with all their new releasesm before moving on to 8 of the 9 Legendary Legions in the book.  These are build around the mighty siege obviously for the most part, and some look really nice to try out one day.  The final one is in the appendix and features Helm's Guard, the founder of the fortress.

The next chapter of the book details all the rules to do your own Siege games, wether it being the mighty fortress of Helm's Deep or an attack on a small walled village, you will find everything you need here.

Add a build guide for the Rohan settlement buildings and a showcase into the mix, and you have a great looking book worth every penny.

I wasn`t disappointed at all with the book, and will be starting off painting my Rohan force at last coming january, or Rohanuary as it is known in community circles, in the hopes of already doing a serious batch of models for the various scenarios... especially on the side of Rohan.

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