
donderdag 23 januari 2025

Fafner Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth

 Time to watch some more of my Fafner backlog, the excellent mecha anime which I failed to watch all during last year's backlog goal.

But, that doesn't mean I would cast it aside for long, and I sat down and watched this OVA movie, Heaven and Earth.
Set around two years after the events of the original series, where the Festum have been defeated and left the world in peace.  Soushi promised Kazuki that he would one day return, but instead stays hidden from his friends on Tatsumiya Island.

One day a mysterious boy arrives on the island, Misao Kurusu, who may not be entirely human and claims that Soushi has send him, but with his arrival hostilities start up again.  The island becomes the target of a faction of the now fractured Festum forces, who arrive with a carrier with their Mir core aboard.
The pilots, the younger ones of the series now full pilots but without experience, and the veterans with their scars are tossed in a fierce battle against the aliens, while a young girl called Miwa might become the new core of the island as she can seemingly talk with the Mir.  

The battle gets desperate, but then Soushi enters the fray through Misao, tipping the balance and preventing the island from falling, the peace of no less then two races riding on their shoulders and bringing a truce back to the island.  

This was a high action movie of an excellent mecha franchise, and it didn't spend to much time on looking back or explaining who is who.  This does mean you will have to have seen the original series in order to be able to get a notion of what happens, as it sets us up for the Exodus series for the anime franchise.

Worth watching if you like high paced mecha anime, and the Fafner story!

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