
vrijdag 24 januari 2025

TSA Escalation League 2025: Jinxie the Doomseeker

 Okay, this is a little special addition to my budding Empire of Man army for The Old World, drawn from the Mercenary section.

Just a little innocent Dwarfess hailing from nearby Karak Zaun, looking for her step-sister who apparently joined some local militia... and who is so rebellious, she even refused to dye her hair that unfashionably, boring orange...
It felt fitting to include Mercenaries, as I themed my army around Marienburg who buys it's army more then train it after all.  I also deny any coincidence in looks and names with a certain other crazed long blue haired pop culture icon!

And the cheapest mercenary that as such could be included is a Doomseeker, a crazed Dwarf Slayer whose general goal in life if to end it's life.  The model was bought ages ago from a polish company, as I was upping the collection for solo games and adventures, no idea what one it exactly was though.

But I painted this lovely naked Dwarfess up, so if you like them thick, she is ideal.  I also opted for obvious reasons to paint her hair blue instead of orange, namely it contrasts better against the bare skin and goes along with the tattoos rather well that way.  And the fact as a Chaos Dwarf player by heart, every dead regular Dwarf is a good Dwarf, so it is great if they actually help to achieve this!

Now to start thinkering away on a unit of Ogre mercenaries as well...

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