
maandag 3 februari 2025

Bolt Action Chasseurs Ardennais FRC47mm anti-tank gun

 And here we have it, my very first foray into the world and game of Bolt Action.

And it only took 3 editions to pull me over...

Now, the army I picked, being Belgian, was of course the Belgians.  No, not the Italians, that might be a project if I like the game, I'm going into the second world war with the small army of my birth.

And the first model as such completed was the blister I picked up for a measly 3 euro at a TSA Bring and Buy last year, the 47mm anti-tank gun.  The Chasseurs being veterans, I of course opted to pay the hefty price for this small gun, coming in as such at 91 points.

On the plus side, that means I'm almost 1/5th down the path to get the 500 points ready for this year and try to learn the game that way.

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