
zondag 2 februari 2025

The Haul Report 414: Warlord Games mystery box!

The mainliner for loot this week has to be the Warlord Games mystery box, part of their Bad Santa sale end of december.
The box is said to contain double it's cost in value, and I grabbed a Pike & Shotte range based box, in the hopes of boosting the collection for the Empire and other fantasy projects. 

So when it arrived, it was time to see what I received inside the box!

More unboxing time, as my order from Archonia also arrived, adding some more manga to the collection.

I also got some items from Vinted, namely the Blood Bowl dice of the Chaos Dwarfs, and a very fitting peasant Halfling to make the slave regiment member after the Blood Bowl match win.  

From StartSpeler I got the pitch for Blood Bowl of my Chaos Dwarfs, so now we can be brutal in style.

And through Etsy, the "gunpowder department" arrived for my Empire of Man force in the Escalation League.

I also picked up my Combat Patrol box, meaning I now have about 4 months to build and paint it before the tournament in may, that should be do-able in between other projects.

Another parcel came in, from a Kickstarter this time.  Lewd Adventures is an erotic rpg for couples, and now they made a card game version for some evening fun with your partner... or various couples if you dare.
A trip to the local warhammer store later, and I got these nice little classic fella's for Blood Bowl.  More a collection addition then an actual "they will be in the team soon", but never the less a fun little Made to Order addition out of pure nostalgia.

And I finally picked up my Malachite Mystics figures for Moonstone at my mate's place, so at least now I have all the models to play, just need to get round painting them!

So that is another hefty addition to the pile of shame, but rest assured, I will beat lead mountain this year in the Battle Against the Gray... or so I hope at least... it's still early in the year after all.

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