Based upon the Scarrans from Farscape, this is my first batch of painted Kraytonian miniatures for Seeds of War, hopefully soonish on the battlefield to give the rules a try.
The list contains:
Basileus command squad (6 stands) with 6 Aurika Transports - 66 points
Monitor Brood (6 stands) - 27 points
Rakkat Squad (6 units) - 39 points
Gara Teleporters (3 units) with Kameli Brood (6 stands) - 75 points
Arkalest Heavy tanks (3 units) - 40 points
TeemuL: The last base for 42th Highlanders (20 points)
A bit over year ago I started painting 28mm Napoleonics for the first time
after getting a reasonably prized deal. My intention is to paint British
for t...
6 uur geleden