maandag 1 april 2024

The 2024 first quarter report

 The first quarter has past, so it is time to have a look at all the goals, and how they progress, on this easter monday.

And it seems I went through a bit of a painting downtime, as I haven't completed as much as I'd like already, which reflects in the number for the quarter.

And as a result, the anime numbers are a bit lower then hoped for as well, as I tend to combine the two together during hobby time, I blame Final Fantasy 14 for this.  On the flip side though, with Thorin falling back into a better sleep rhytm since the new year, having gotten through the nightly awaken cycle, we did get time back together with Noshi to do some watching series and movies again in the evening (instead of one going to bed at 20hrs to have some sleep before the little one woke for a few hours).  So both the backlog on that part is getting worked away, and as a result the numbers are nicely boosted.

But let's see at the goals we set as such 3 months ago, and on how the numbers have been going, IF they even started so far.  For example, nothing so far has been touched for either the plans of buildins a Warmaster force and / or a HOTT force.  The numbers for the 250 models for my Chaos Dwarf collection aren't impressive either, having only finished 10 so far out of the planned 250, and that is already a serious behind on the paint schedule.  

I have been shifting focus to Underworlds as I said above, and the number of warbands to paint has already more then doubled from 8 to 18.  This is because I received the lot of figures I had a friend buy me when a local little store nearby him stopped Games Workshop and did a liquidation at -55%, resulting in warbands costing only 12.5 euro each.  I had him buy basically everything they had, the doubles went into the price support for the tournament I'm hosting in june for example, and at the TSA Bring and Buy event I obtained some more very cheaply, coming to not even 5 euro for a warband...  And I actually finished only a single warband for the collection so far.  But truth to be told, I expect the next quarter to yield three or four finished warbands for certain.

The painting of the Idoneth Deepkin force so far hasn't kicked off either, but as you can see if you follow my weekly paint update on my YouTube channel, it is currently, albeit slowly, being worked on.  So that is it for the painting numbers in this oversight, not the most spectacular I admit.
So, let's move to the viewing and reading numbers then...
As I started above, this has been better then expected so far, at least for some.  For movies, I already went to the halfway mark of the goal, currently having seen 10 movies out of the planned 20.  On the series front, catching up (shamefully) at last on some must see series, I've finished 3 out of 20 for the moment, so both of these seem well solid placed for obtaining the mark during this year, and probably go strongly over it.
On the watching anime level, I'm below schedule but not that dramatically, having seen 16 out of the greatly planned 100, of which 9 came from the 85 planned OVA backlog clearance aim for this year.  Just a boost in painting or so, and I'll be back on track for both of them in all honesty AND a lot of Winter season series are coming to close, so that will be half a dozen in one go added the coming week.

Reading wise though, while the manga are nicely on schedule for this first quarter with 5 read of the planned 25, the rulebooks / regular books are going slowly with only 1 out of 10 finished.  Fanzines stand at a lowly 2 out of 50, but that is something that can quickly flip around if I feel sick or something during the year and would be confined to the sofa, so no worries on that front.  

For the other two "loose" goals, the collect the Date a Bullet cards are going well, with 7 obtained of the 19 missing so far, especially considering I only used sold cards credit on Cardmarket for them.  And the enjoying of beers, now at 20 out of 50 is on schedule, once spring hits and the beer festivals start taking place again, those numbers will rise strongly anyways.

But that is it, the overview of the first quarter for this year, it isn't going as planned in all segments, especially the painting plans are a bit of a mess at the moment, but all the other goals seem to be more or less on schedule, at a minimum they are nowhere near the "slightly make an effort or panic" levels, so that is fine.

See you back at the end of the june for an idea on how things have progressed during the second quarter!

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