zaterdag 22 juni 2024

On the Painting Desk 287

 So, another very busy week passed by, and did we score the goals we had set ourselves in the previous episode?

Why yes we did, and then some!

So let's have a look at the status of the paint desk, and talk about the goals for next week:

Let's see if it will remain as succesfull as the past two episodes!

donderdag 20 juni 2024

Make My Day

 Next on my backlog challenge list: Make My Day, a science-fiction horror series created for Netflix.

Counting 8 episodes, this is set on the prison planet Coldfoot, and unfortunatly features heavy CGI drawing, something I'm not a fan off, especially as this looks like a video game cutscene and not a proper anime.

On the prison planet, humans are forced to mine Sig, a mineral that improves quality back on Earth as it can be used for a lot of things.  Criminals are brought there under the false pretence of cohabitation with the regular civilisations, but this is a lie as they are oppressed by their overseers.  

But one day something goes wrong in "The Cauldron" as the mine is called, and the guards are send in to battle what is causing the trouble in there.  Jim, one of the new guards, sees strangely mutilated corpses on their way there, as they go look for survivors in what is said to have been only a cave-in.  They discover the cave-in opened paths into a whole system, and set out to look.  They come across a sort of hatchery, before something drags Jim off.  He finds the remnants of the previous team, as well as a survivor... and the monsters awakened by the mining efforts.

The sluglike creatures dispatch quickly of the rescuers, as they are immune to gunfire, the bullets absorbed in their slimy bodies.  The few survivors escape the mine, but the slugs are coming out as well, causing a grave danger to all planet inhabitants as they are seemingly immortal.

Realising they must evacuate, the prison is being assaulted by the beasts, resulting in a huge massacre under both the guards and the prisoners.  As the situation gets desperate, Jim must choose between his life or that of all the others, and picks the former, but hesitating the captain flies off, escaping with a small flyer before blowing up the launch bay.  He reunites with the convict he saved earlier, Walter, as they deduct the beasts are after the Sig ore.  

Together they look for a way to escape, but Jim wants to return to the mine to try and kill the beasts before they kill everything on the planet.  Fleeing the surface, they find the situation the same everywhere, including his family who had waited for him in vain.  He finds Marnie though, pregnant, and as more troops arrive including his captain they try to flee and get a ship off planet.  Walker manages to pick them up with other survivors, but they don't know where to go.

They learn the creatures where discovered about a month ago by the survey team, which reached the same conclusions as Jim about the beasts.  Considered a hero when arriving in dr Hadson's research lab, Jim is ambushed by captain Bark in the toilets.  Beaten and locked up, he is let out by others and saves dr Hadson from one of the beasts.  He makes his way to the city command to warn them from the upcoming danger, learning what Walter's crimes are as he asks for his parole in return.

Finding Walter beat up in jail, but set free, they meet the initial scientist, Boyd, who wrote about the beasts upon their discovery.  They form a plan to retrieve the hurt doctor and Marnie, then make it to the shuttle.  But arriving there, they learn Hadson has betrayed them, as there was no spot on the shuttle for them in the first place.  But just at that moment, Marnie's water breaks.  While the baby brings a brief moment of relief, 

A piece of an orbital tanker comes crashing down, the Swarm being brought on board for study, but as they learn from Bark this went hideously wrong.  Now the only place left they can go is the mass-driver of the Sig refinery.  Even though Hadson's assistant tries to betray them once again, they overcome the odds.  As the Swarm swoops over the refinery in search of the Sig stored there, they escape with a shuttle through the mass-driver, stored in a container.  Walter names the baby Kou as a thanks for them redeeming him, as giant beasts burst from the surface the moment they are about to launch, giving them an escape window and leaving the planet behind.

Well, unfortunatly this series didn't have much going for it.  The story is far from unique, but the fact the sacrifices are telegraphed from miles away and the betrayal's are done by minor side characters, it doesn't really deliver a punch at those moments.  And as I said before, the rather horrible CGI doesn't offer any redeeming factors either.  Oh, and the "horror" factor is totally absent by the way...


woensdag 19 juni 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Wintermaw rulebook

 A new seasonal box for Warhammer Underworlds, so that means a new rulebook to go with it.

But I must say, I will be only talking the non-rules this time!

Wait what, a new ruleset, yet you won't talk about the rules section?  Yes well, the reasoning for that is really simple.  First off, it is the second book in the current cycle, which started out with Deathgorge.  The second reason is that only one tiny rulechange has been made: when you want to cycle an objective card during your power step, you can now draw one first, and then choose which one you discard, including the just drawn objective.  Before you first discarded and then drew, so this gives a tiny bit more flexibility to prevent getting stuck with an even more unplayable card.  But all the other rules remain the same as a result, so not much to talk about that part as such in this 64 page long book.

After having braved the icy land of Deathgorge in the realm of Ghur, the daring adventureres now go deeper inside.  And that deeper inside is the Wintermaw, a chasm where adolescent rimewyrms start making their trek to other lands, and the curse of Everwinter tries to hatch on and spread over the whole continent.  It is said they want to merge with the biggest wirm of all, the godbeast Fangathrak.  Should the beast be corrupted by the Everwinter, this would be disasterous for the continent and even the plane of Ghur.

But the Wintermaw is also home to the Hungering Parasyte (think Aliens facehugger), which is also the name of the excellent aggro universal deck included in this box, while the other, Rimewyrm Bity, is more of a board manipulation deck.  The parasyte is from a time before the mortals came, a living amber that hatches on to anyone daring to enter it's territory.  

Next, we look into the background of the new warbands from this box, one, the Skinnerkin which appeal A LOT to me, as they are, like me by schooling, cooks and chefs.  The other ones, the crazed lightning sturck nutcases of the Brethren of the Bolt aren't really my cup of tea so those will end at the far end of the "to paint" row for Underworlds I fear.

The Skinnerkin came to the Wintermaw led by Grisella Tenderhook to look for the best and finest of adventurers... in order to capture them and make them a main-course at the Summercourt.  On the other hand, the Brethren of the Bolt all believe they are carrying out Sigmar's will, as they have been struck by lightning.  They think the Wintermaw was openened by one of his divine bolts, and together with a wide variety of fanatical zealots they enter it to cleanse it of corruption.

And that is the lore of the newest expansion for the excellent Warhammer Underworlds.  I won't be delving in the rules as I said before, but it is worth getting this box for the very good universal decks, apparently a thing in the Deathgorge / Wintermaw cycle.  

And, cooks!

dinsdag 18 juni 2024

Warning Order issue 1 - Summer 2000

 The first magazine published by Wasatch Front Gaming Society, it is a fanzine that will be published quarterly featuring the games and era's the historical group played at that time.

It features a lot of short articles, and then some beefier ones, for this first edition.
It doesn't really features a cover or such, diving straight into the action as a sort of newsletter / club magazine style that was prelevalent during the period.  If your curiosity is tickled, a quick google will bring you to the club page where you can download those older issues.

Splattered amongst it are short reviews of movies, both in theatre and on DVD like Galdiator, Patton and the likes.  But it opens up with an article on Warfare in the age of Discovery, which features four "semi periods" in the rule set.  It also has list for source material and of course figures to be obtained.

After a mixture of short reviews on books, miniatures and more, the biggest article is a battle report for Command Decision 3: Berlin - Seelowe Highway.  This comes with descriptions of the action in the various phases, as well as with coloured maps of the unit movements.

We then get a bit more of the short reviews as well as a few links and guides for the games they play and enjoy.

So that was it for the first Warning Order issue, intresting for sure but sometimes the articles where a tat to short to my liking, looking more like a gathering of announcements from an old TV guide.  But I have many more and so we can see how this magazine evolves over time hopefully.

See you back soon for issue 2!

maandag 17 juni 2024

Into the Under-Ekeren tournament report

 Hello everyone, today a tournament report from the other side of the fence!

Because last sunday, the 16th of june, I organised the first ever Warhammer Underworlds tournament over at my local club, the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp.

I had this planned from before Covid hit, and now that life settled down, I found time (and motivation) to do so as such, with the chosen format the Rivals set.

Using T3 to sign up, 8 players gathered to explore the depths of Under-Ekeren... and vie for glory!

I managed to source price support (for the winner, the best painted warband, and the band with the LEAST glory points), had memento's for all the players printed up, and as such we where ready to go!


As the TO, I didn't know beforehand if I would be needed to play in the event, and as such I went for the most recent of warbands, the Skinnerkin from Wintermaw.  Whom due to circumstances hadn't been played before in the three weeks between finishing them like a madman and the event itself.  I had no illusions anyway to hold on to my current first place on the T3 ranking, and this would be an easy to play warband allowing me to focus on running the event instead of being busy trying to reach the top spots.
Was I required to play: Yes, and so we where eight.
The event then itself, after enough of my blabbering!
The participants:
Tomsche - Skinnerkin
Nico - Storm of Celestus

Michael - Eyes of the Nine

Vincent - Starblood Stalkers

Philip - Sons of Velmont

Johan - Griselle's Arenai

Peter - Zondara's Gravebreakers
Wouter - Grishnak's Looncourt
So that led to the first round, and the following pairings and results
Johan loses to Wouter 2-16
Tomsche wins from Vincent 11-6

Michael wins from Nico 13-7
Peter wins from Philip 16-11

In this first round, due to circumstances of the past weeks, I had as such to face the Starblood Stalkers without any experience of my band and deck.  Yet somehow I did manage to pull off an 11-6 win, mainly thanks to some lucky hits quickly taking down his Saurus warrior.
For round 2, the following matches where fought out
 Wouter wins from Peter 13-11

Tomsche wins from Michael 14-12

Vincent loses to Nico 11-14

Philip wins from Johan 13-10

Facing Michael, who brought a Hungering Parasyte Eyes of the Nine, this was certainly a match up that I haven't faced in a very long time.  But unfortunatly for them, the Eyes aren't on par with Ephilim though, and as he scored not that simple, my band was just a bit more consistent and a 14-12 victory went in the books for the Skinnerkin.
After these two rounds, we had a short break for lunch with hot dogs, while the other attendees in the venue, aka the players of the The Old World battle day as well as the barcrew got to cast their votes.

The painting results as such where as follows, yielding Philip a nice box of Rippa's Snarlfangs as a prize.

1. Philip
2. Nico
3. Vincent
4. Michael
5. Johan
5. Peter
7. Wouter
8. Tomsche

And with all that taken care off, it was time to polish the blades again and spit on the dice, as we went into round 3.

Tomsche wins from Wouter 14-10
 Peter wins from Michael 14-13

Philip wins from Nico 10-9
Vincent wins from Johan 17-14
Joined in the lead with Wouter, this was one of those games where things went smoothly.  Even though my warband was reduced to only miss Tenderhook, the scoring kept going solid and I managed to put down a 14-10 win against the horde of gitz.

Which brings us to the final round, and no less then 4 players where still in the running for the victory of the tournament, while the other 4 all had the chance to enter dead last!  Everything was to play for!

Peter wins from Tomsche 19-16

Wouter wins from Philip 17-10

Vincent draws with Michael 13-13

Nico wins from Johan 12-11
So, I am battling for the win, and like in Halle, Peter was my opponent.  But now the pressure was on me, as even though I had the points lead, I needed to draw or win once again, because Peter had already scored more glory then me, even with a loss on his tally.  I managed to score my personal best of 16 points, but still it was not to be as Zondara went all the way up to 19 and wiped out my whole band.  Key was both Sedric (twice in a row) and Kretch missing the attacks that would have taken down all his zombies and would have allowed me to take on the lovers, not helped by a play mistake that I didn't pay attention to an upgrade on Kretch that reduces damage by one.  Oh well, that happens.

And so when the dust settled, 3 players came to a total of 9 points, meaning the glory points would have to bring the decision.  In this, Peter scored the most, followed by Wouter with a measly 3 points difference.  I ended up 3rd myself, trailing the winner by 5 points.

The full result:

1. Peter
2. Wouter
3. Tomsche
4. Nico
5. Philip
6. Michael
7. Vincent 
8. Johan

Johan won the price for ending last, a set of Wurmspat dice, which was a bit of a suprise for the Arenai with Breakneck Slaughter.  But if you keep failing to roll those dodges on defence, the ladies are very, very fragile unfortunatly.

But it was Peter who took the main price home in the form of a Direchasm core box, and as he told later, his very first tournament win ever after a train of 2nd and 3rd places.  Well deserved as he piloted the Zondara's Gravebreakers very solidly the past weeks, and it payed dividents.

I want to thank all that came along for the great day and making it worth my effort to organise this little event.  I've been talking with Johan, the Halle organiser, and we aim to do one tournament for each season, with spring and autumn taking place in Halle, and Summer and Winter will be in Antwerp.  Peter is already thinking of running one himself, and of course TSA is happy to have the clubhouse used as a venue as all present where impressed by our little clubhouse, the space and the parking it offers for the games.

A special thanks to everyone for the additional pictures I could use in this report, as between paperwork and playing, picture rounds weren't that easy to do.  And to Heikki and Karen for making sure all the throats where kept moist and the bellies filled.
So, that's it for the first Underworlds tournament ran at the TSA clubhouse, and we will be back!

zaterdag 15 juni 2024

The Haul Report 399

 Hello everyone, kicking off this week's haul report, we have this short clip...

My loot of the flea market last weekend in Deurne, right next to my door.

But of course there is more, as I got this special set with beer glass of my favorite soccer team, Standard de Liege.  Every euro counts I say to hopefully allow them to rise to their former glory again.

But that's it for this week, a small and especially tasty loot report.

On the Painting Desk 286

 Would you believe it!?

I actually scored the vows I made last week, doing all the things I was planning to, and even get some more in.

It did came at the expense of night's rest and not being able to go out for yet another week to play some Underworlds, as both Thorin as well as Noshi where stricken by a nasty cold.

Now, maybe tomorrow at the tournament I run I'll get some games in, depending how many players show up, but it will be with an unplayed so far warband in the form of the Skinnerkin.

That being said, let's check out this week's complete paint progress, and talk a bit about what is planned next once these advance some more!

So there we have it, check back next week to see if I actually got anywhere...

vrijdag 14 juni 2024

Ghostbusters Frozen Empire

 After the succesful Afterlife, a new Ghostbusters movie arrived with Frozen Empire.

And even more then in the first one, it brings the new and old generation together.

Three years after the Summerville incident, Callie and her boyfriend Gary, together with her children Trevor and Phoebe have relocated to New York to aid Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore in reestablishing the Ghostbusters.  But after capturing a ghost, their long-time rival Walter Peck, now mayor, threatens to shut them down, forcing them to remove the still underage Phoebe from the team.

Upset, she meets the ghost of a girl her age, Melody, while playing chess in the park.  As Ray and Podcsat collect cursed objects, they are approached by Nadeem Razmaadi who posesses a strange brass orb.  The PKE meter goes of the scale when he tries to scan it, while a cold wave eminated from it damages the Ghostbusters HQ ecto-containment unit, which is dangerously close to full capacity.  Winston takes the orb to the privately owned research center of dr Lars Pinfield, but they can't extract any spiritual energy from it.  Trevor and Lucky visit Nadeem, and together with Peter Venkman discover he has latent pyrokinetic powers.

Ray, Phoebe and Podcasts learn from a research librarian the orb was used millenia ago by four mythical firemasters to trap Garraka, a phantom god who sought to conquer the world by using the power of fear itself.  Nadeem's grandmother belonged to the bloodline of on the firemasters, one of whom prevented the ghost to escape the orb in 1904.

Peck uses Phoebe's involvement to shut down the operation, and Phoebe in turn flees to the research center to extract her ghost for two minutes from her body and interact with Melody.  She learns Melody is involved with Garraka who has promised her afterlife if she aided him.  Using Phoebe's body, he can escape his prison and goes to reclaim his horns to augment his powers.  Garraka begins freezing the city, set out to free the ghosts locked in the containment unit at the Ghostbusters HQ.  Both generations gather to defend the unit, aided by Nadeem who attempts to master his power still.

Garraka overpowers them, but Phoebe, who enhanced her protonpack with copper alloy as this turns out to be the god's weakness, is aided by Nadeem and Melody who has been betrayed by Garraka.  Together with the veteran Ghostbusters they can trap him in the containment unit, as Melody reconciles with Phoebe before passing on into the afterlife to her family.

As the city thaws, the Ghostbusters are hailed as heroes again, with Peck forced to reinstate Phoebe and support the team...

So, this was an enjoyable film, though not as hilarious as the previous instalment I must say.  Never the less, it is great to see them in action, as this is a generational franchise and remain great family moment movies.