Aired back in 2013, The Devil is a Part-Timer is based on a light novel of the same name, and is just an hilarious series.
Because, if you where Satan, defeated and forced to flee to modern day Nippon, how would you rebuild your magic and status? Of course, by starting to work at McRonald's and try to dominate the world from there...
This results however in him creating friendship bonds, first and foremost with co-worker Chiho, but also with his sworn enemy who followed him here, the Hero of Ente Isla, Emi. She just can't wrap her head around the fact that Satan is actually enjoying his time and tries to help people where he can, even going to public clean-ups.
As they constantly confront and control each other, well, mostly Emi on Maou though, are being attacked by a few entities during their adventure and exploration together, but this only results in her getting more and more confused about the fact that the devil might not even have a plan at all, nor any ambition on returning to his home dimension. Especially when he uses his sparsely remaining magical powers to repair the city from the damages caused by these otherdimensional attacks...
A really great series, and one I enjoyed thoroughly, putting some serious smiles on my face. HIGHLY recommended!!!
From SylvainR: Tray 04 - 6mm Early WW2 German Cavalry (134 points)
After completing the BEF last week, my efforts were geared towards
finishing my early ww2 German army. Last year, I completed a battalion of
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