Hey everyone!
Today I went with mommy and daddy to see the nice gyneacologist lady... and she could already assure that I`ll be arriving from this journey at the 4th of March... at the latest!
Because I have seen light at the other end of the dark corridor in front of me, and now that I know every square milimeter of mommy's womb, I am so curious what is outside there!
I heard daddy talking about things called "animals" and "trees" and "ice cream"... and some weird thing I don`t really comprehend yet, a "Pokemon", but apparantly daddy is going to learn me all about all those things!
I also received some lovely gifts again this time. From moeke and voke I got this lovely crib to put next to mommy and daddy's bed, so they will definitly hear me when I summon them to me. You never can be certain enough these days!
Like, say, that I want to take a bath, in my lovely tub I got from great aunt Mie, so I can splish and splash like I always do with mommy in her large tub.
Well, until next time... when we will be meeting for real perhaps. Because now I am making myself very, very ready to say "hi" to mommy and daddy at last!
From MattW: Roman Command (15 points)
Roman Command
Another Roman addition, a Roman Senator and Roman Legate, both miniatures
are from the Foundry Imperial Roman range. The horse is Aventine I...
1 uur geleden
Exciting times! Both of mine were a fortnight late, so don’t panic over due dates!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWednesday will be the day at the latest, because the GF will be induced if he hasn`t popped out by then due to size and weight.