And so there we are, the first tournament of 2020 I'm participating in, as well as the first Underworlds tournament I`m participating in tout court.
And with only 3 games under my belt, limited ambitions are in order.
Taking place in The Playground in Antwerp, this event is organised by the Damnation crew, and numbered XX participants. Not ending last seemed like a solid ambition as I played Zarbag's Gitz with only cards that came in his boxed set...
So with a deck build around on the one hand flunking wizards, but more importantly on the fact of a pushing around fanatic meaning I should be able to kill (and score) by tossing opponents into lethal hexes, we where off.
The Playground itself is a lovely venue, and to be honest I didn`t even know of it's existence on this location, only the one they have in Antwerp Central Station. The event took place on the first floor, while it also has a basement room for games, and in the bar area various boardgames where being played all afternoon.
Round 1: David with Lady Harrow's Mournflight
Okaaaaay... Banshees... no wizard, immune to lethal hexes... there goes half my deck in the trashcan as such. Before I knew it, I was already a handfull glory points trailing behind, and never managed to catch up to him. The second game was even worse, as I scored my first point in the third round. A chanceless defeat, nothing more, nothing less.
The warband itself was also picked best painted, the stunning blue being a real eyecatcher.
Round 2: Davy with Lady Harrow's Mournflight
Oh come on, second bunch of Banshees? Seriously? This is gonna hurt again... I did indeed lose the first game, but in the second game I managed to harken a win as my opponent got hit by a streak of bad luck as I smacked his whole band out of the game. We called it an agreed draw, as the difference in GP was minimal and there wasn`t time for a third game left.
Afterwards during the break, I joked that karma will punt me against the Briarqueen in the final round so that I had all the immune to lethal hexer's today.
Round 3: Wouter with Thorns of the Briarqueen
Okay, cry me a river, I wish I could predict the lottery numbers like this. In the first round, bad luck hit me terribly (I mean, how many attacks would it need to take out a 1 wound remaining Vaklav, and I failed it miserably after tossing about the whole band on him), while in the second round the tables where turned, only my Fanatic going down after going on a rampage through his ranks. Once again me and my opponent agreed on an even draw, for the same reasons as in round 2.
So that netted me a loss and 2 draws over the course of the three rounds tournament, not to bad in hindsight seeing my lack of experience and a deck that was coming up against scary, flying laundry. Did I learn lessons? Of course, the most important that the Fanatic can actually Inspire in the opponent's turn, and perhaps I should look into and try out a more objective grabbing based deck, placing board "in depth" the next time.
But it was a great atmoshpere and I liked the event a lot, while coming out 10th out of 12 participants I still took home some loot in the form of a set of alternate art cards for the Beastgrave starterbox factions.
I`m hooked on this game!
From MattW: Roman Command (15 points)
Roman Command
Another Roman addition, a Roman Senator and Roman Legate, both miniatures
are from the Foundry Imperial Roman range. The horse is Aventine I...
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