With previews all over the internet, from Warhammer Community to YouTube, it thought it opportune to no longer do a "first sight" review of the magazine the weekend I actually bought it, but instead move to a review once I read it.
So yeah, that might mean it is quit a bit later then usual...
In this months magazine, we get a whole new batch of new rules, but also some (for me) very intresting articles, so in hindsight I thought it a good issue this time round.
The "headliner" as seen on the coverpicture as such is a new Tome Celestial, detailing the Orruks of Da Ironsunz, 'ardest of all the Ironjawz clans and the warscrolls needed to field this force. This is of course accompanied by the necessary paint guides and lore pieces, and makes a strong article.
It isn't the only set of fantasy rules though this month around, as for the WarCry skirmish game, all the rules are there to field the Fyreslayers in search of Ur Gold in the Eight Points. So if axe wielding, semi-naked and crazed manes of red hair are your thing...
In the "margin articles" for fantasy, we get an awesomely painted force of Sylvaneth on display, as well as a very intresting Rules of Engagement article on how to build a (competitive) army and the things you should ponder when preparing for an event.
Moving to the Warhammer 40k section, I must admit I didn`t really spend that much attention to it, bar perhaps the Realms of Chaos painting article, even though it was all about Nurgle this time.
You see, with the gazillions of errata and add-ons that appeared for 40k over the past year, my love for that game has really fazed out, as I even struggle at home to get my League force for the club painted up. Perhaps the most intresting piece was the final instalment of the Warlords of Vigilus series, and the accompanying final battle report. And I must say, the winners of the challenge weren't the ones I expected...
Further articles include a few pieces of lore (including one hinting at a future BFG re-release again) and the Echoes of the Warp talking of course about the Space Marines.
The "strength" for me in this issue though are the Specialist game articles. Not only are we treated to two excellent articles for Warhammer Underworlds, namely the first one talking about how to look at the "meta" of the game, but also a tactica article on the two recently released warbands, Hrothgorn's Mantrappers and The Wurmspat.
The other article that really caught my fancy was of course the Middle-Earth one, in which we get a tactica to use the King of the Dead and his army of Oathbreakers in the MESBG game.
The magazine is rounded out with some new rules to use an Eversor assassin in Blackstone fortress, and then some more painting and hobby articles, like on aircraft markings for Aeronautica and and interview with author James Swallow, writer of the classic Sisters of Battle novel Faith and Fury.
So a good magazine for sure this month, and I had some good reading in it.
Fantastic Scuffles playtesting continues
Here are just a couple of photos to show that, while hobby time is limited
at the moment, playtesting, revising and writing continues for *Fantastic
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