Today's finished piece of scatter terrain is one for Warhammer Underworlds.
Printed from a file found on Thingiverse, it contains two pyramid like stones, connected by a cloud of ethereal energies.
Including a nice suffering face.
This piece fits the two hexed blocked parts on boards like Penitent's Throne, which came in the Nightvault (or "second season") starter box. I just think these small pieces of terrain make the board look just that little bit better compared to the open flat ones, and will be printing up some others still in the future.
Though Noshi is starting to eye me to finally work on her warbands again...
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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