October is in the wargaming community generally the month one paints orcs, orrucs, orks or whatever iteration of savage (not so) greenskins, and share them under the #orktober , and this year I`m jumping on the bandwagon.
Though mine will barely be including any greens... apart from some Moria Goblins, who in the book are actually called Orcs as well.
I`m taking the opportunity this month to try and almost solely paint the savage warriors, but only for Middle-Earth, in the form of not only the above mentioned denizens of Moria, but also more of my Mordor Orcs, Morannon Orcs and Uruk-hai, all warriors fitting the theme.
I have no idea at how many I will end up doing, but the same goes for the printing side this month, as I`ll be churning out movement trays for them as well, and paint those up by the end of the month to line all the reinforcements of evil nicely in the cabinet as a result.
Well, I won`t be shouting waaagh, but lots of Orcs will be gracing the blog this month!
From KerryT: "Oh what a night"....Victrix Medieval Knights (180 points)
Morning, afternoon & evening all
Well, with the sun shining late this afternoon there's a chance that the
PVA will dry and allow me to finish this entry....
2 uur geleden
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