My all time favorite fanzine has arrived in the current edition of the game with the Spring 2019 issue, so of course all is focussed on the edition of the game we love playing these days.
But as always, that isn`t the only thing in the magazine, as there are some great columns in this issue, including one on... how to lose your games!
The magazine starts as usual with the Editorial as well as the SBG Towers, giving a look at what goes on in the community, followed by the Hobby Blog to show what the team is up to.
The first column, Dawn of a New Age, takes a look at how the various iterations of MESBG have been impacting the gaming life of himself and his longest standing opponent, including the impact of real life issues like "work" and "growing up".
In the Dr's Corner, Damien muses about how Matched Play games and tournaments at one time became his focus, but also on how that didn`t have the required feel good he thought it would have had.
The Art of the Wooden Spoon is an article that tries to help you mitigate the bad feeling one can have for losing, and how to take it in style and with great fun instead.
Build Me An Army on the other hand takes a totally different approach, namely thoughts on building the most effective armies for the Tournament Scene, focussing around the heroes only type force.
The battle report this month is themed around the Fields of the Pelennor (of course, how more fitting could it be!) and uses the Fog of War scenario. To keep the reader guessing, the secret objectives and why they where chosen before the game are detailed a few pages beyond the report.
The final article this issue is a Painting Masterclass on Theoden, the awesome model that comes in the newest edition starter box.
Another superb issue, and I quite liked the columns this month, preferring casual and narrative play myself for the rulesystem.
Because in the end, don`t we all want a good story to tell?
From Barks: More 40K (136 points)
Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not
reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures.
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