Let's start with the cold hard facts: 2019 has been, due to circumstances, a year of far lower turn-out then the previous two.
Of course, this was to be expected, and co-incidentally the heavy weight of the year was in the three AHPC months in the beginning of the year, and a boost near the end of the year.
But the part in the middle... was very, very quiet.
Compared as such to the 609 models of 2018, 2019 yielded a completion rate of 388 finished models, of which no less then 217 where GW LotR models. So that is quite a strong drop, and we will see in the numbers below that this is mostly due to some scales getting nearly no love this year.
Starting out with the smallest scales, not counting those few 1/1200 and 1/600 naval models I did somewhere in between, is the 6mm. It remained consistent, and the december boost of the AHPC bumped the numbers quite well, the Belgian army for example gave a good boost in infantry for one.
In 2018 I finished 46 infantry models, but 2019 clocks off at 53 for a tiny increase. The same goes for the vehicles, up from 20 to 38, though no scenery was added this year.
The biggest drop off in scale are both 10mm and 15mm, with not a single figure in this scale being painted, as well as 28mm historicals. In 2018 for example, I painted up 145 infantry models (with Dux being the main reason for that), but not a single one joined the ranks in 2019 as a result. This is one of the two biggest culprits of the spectacular numbers dive for sure, the second one we'll come to in a moment.
On the other hand, 28mm fantasy (and that is mostly Tolkien models) did good this year, also because until november that was about the stuff I was painting consistently, and will again next year.
The infantry went up from 38 to a whopping 216 models, the scenery bumped up slightly as well, and there was some cavalry and monsters as well this year.
But the other number dropper is the 30mm heroic. I painted barely anything 40k or fantasy in that scale over the past 12 months, infantry for example going down from 195 to a measly 15, due to the fact I wasn't expanding or really building armies this year. In 2020, with the Abyssal Dwarfs and the T'au these are bound to rise heavily again, but together with the 28mm historical above have been the biggest number drop causers.
So yes, it has been a calm year, but I hope to seriously boost numbers again in the upcoming year. If I get all my planned AHPC entries done before Lord Ipsqueek arrives, I`ll be on the right track to about 500 models for sure, and add some deadlines to that (complete the Tau before june, the Abyssal Dwarfs before september...) this might become a very strong year actually.
Time will tell!
From RayR: Retreat from Moscow -2 x French 6pdrs (72 points)
And yet again, its more from my Retreat from Moscow project.
But this time its a little different. Here we have 2 6pdr French artillery
pieces, with 5 cre...
58 minuten geleden
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