Right on time for the (final apparently) 6th season, season 5 was, like it's predecessor, split into 2 semi-seasons of 10 episodes each.
And in this second part, it is all about returning home.
After being expelled by Ivar from Kattegat, the other sons of Ragnar together with Lagertha are looking for ways to retake their home, all through different means.
While Ubbe finally claims the lands Ragnar was promised in England, thanks to the wise ruling of the current king (the son of Athelstan) and settles it together with Dane vikings, Bjorn convinces King Harald to sail with him and attack Ivar. Hvitserk in the meantime allies with a swedish King to also lay siege to Kattegat, now ruled by a tyrant Ivar, believing himself to be an actual god...
And Floki... he and his settlers set upon hard times in the far away country, still looking for the Norse Gods...
A strong second part of the season, and my biggest grief is the demise of Bishop Heahmund, fantastically set down by Jonathan Rhys Meyers (of Tudors fame).
From GrahameH: Spanish Reconquista 15mm Legio Heroica and Modern French
Foreign Legion (666 points)
As mentioned in my last posted I had decided to start an Impetus army after
listening to the brilliant interview of of Lorenzo Sartori on the Yarkshire
27 minuten geleden
I actually though the season was pretty poor. They have been getting worse since the death of Ragnar. Not sure I even want to watch season six.