So it is time to start my exploration towards the island core in this year's Challenge Island map.
And I decided to make landfall on Reidy's Reef, to follow from there the route known as The Path of the New Shiney.
For this first challenge, the hobby thme has to be naval in kind, and so it is the perfect moment to launch the Regia Marina fleet.
An added benefit to this is the fact I can claim the "New Project" bonus as well, as I bought the models as recent as beginning of november on our Crisis show, where Nemesis and me decided to try this game out.
But to that end, I painted up the complete starter box for my beloved Italian faction, consisting of the Corvette, the two transport vessels, 4 MAS boats and the aerial support of the single CR42.
Now, I do apologise, but I have no clue how to "score" this submission with the three large 6mm scale boats and the various crew all around the decks, so I have to leave this unfortunate job to the Minions I`m afraid...
But the adventure is a go, see you in the centre!
The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
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