While we took a look yesterday at the achieved goals of 2019, 2020 was in the past summer still a year I had big plans.
We would have moved places, I would have gotten a mancave to paint at full speed... and then our little miracle happened (and believe me, with Noshi only having a 0.1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, it IS a miracle) and all the plans have been changed...
With the little hobbit expected to go on an adventure half of march, that means our life will be having mayor changes, and of course that will mean for the hobby as well. My mancave is reduced to a paint corner, and I have been selling off a lot of figures for extra space as storage cabinets are now cut down as well.
So that of course influences the goals for the year as well. My original draft, which I started writing up back in july, would contain painting no less then 1000 models and in that 8 complete armies... so no, that is no longer going to happen.
Instead, my goals will be to paint at least 3 complete "larger scale" armies this year, in the form of a 700 point army for MESBG, namely Rivendell. The second one is a 2000 point T'au army, the Gundam SEED based one for colours, and preferably before June when the next 40k big battle takes place at the club.
The final army is my force for 9th Age and to go to tournaments with, in the form of a 4500 point Chaos Dwarf force, because well, old loves...
They all have had some work done so far though, and they respectively start out at 477, 487 and 275 points now. Especially those Elves will be reaching the mark soonish, as Noshi keeps pressuring me to paint "her" elves up ;-)
Another army I want to paint up is one for Blitzkrieg Commander 4, namely 3000 points of the Italians in North Africa.
Add to that a "carry over" goal from 2019, namely to paint at least 1000 points of Rohirrim, and that still totals a decent amount of forces to get battle worthy. Of those,only 67 points have been completed so far...
And I want to complete 10 pieces of scenery, not counting small scatter terrain, but "complete" pieces for the forces to battle over. Think the old LOTR ruins upwards in size to classify, which equals at least a 5cm by 5cm "ground plate". With the added benefit that I can now print them myself...
While the homeheld Battle Companies campaign now stands on the edge of taking place or not, I am still going to try and complete every band in the book for those occassional small games as well. I already completed XX out of the 38 so far, so that's still a big job ahead...
This will be done during the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 10, where I set a goal of 1000 points for this edition. Bit higher then the previous years, but I do have a nice hour or two every evening now to swoop some brushes across my figures. The competititon started last week, and I scored 194 points so far as a result.
On the "watch" part of the goals, I will be aiming for different numbers again this year. I'm going to try and read 20 books again, but I'll be cutting down on movies and series to respectively 25 and 10, the latter mainly due to not really anything that's going to come out catching my fancy.
On an anime level on the other hand, I've planned to watch no less then 30 anime series the coming year, because it's time to cut down on that backlog now that I have painting nights again...
The final one, attend wargaming events, is returning at 5 events for this year though, that should be do-able as I'll be picking up small tournaments again left or right...
So that are the goals for the year of the big changes, ambitious seeing the changed private life, yet not totally unreachable I think...
The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
50 minuten geleden
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