As part of the renewed and refreshed YouTube channel in 2020, one of the plans I'm forming in the dusty recesses of my mind is uploading solo wargaming reports.
This is a bit due to a two fold reason, namely it's a good way to learn and improve editing YouTube videos, as well getting some games done I like, but can't find opponents regularly for.
This will be a selection of small scale games, either in points or in actual scale (hello 6mm) and it will be a way for me to learn the rules (or master them better) as well that way, plus a good way to spend some time when I'm alone on babysitter duty for example. Now, real life calendar obliged, this will be the project for the second half of the year though, as with Ipsqueek on the way the first part of the year will be totally devoted to him.
Looking at my collection, but also at figures I "well, I just might" get, these will be on the one hand 6mm games of Future War Commander and Blitzkrieg Commander, but also some other systems and periods. Hordes of the Things comes to mind, as do the Polemos rules by Baccus 6mm once I get round painting up some obscure forces or periods. My beloved ACW will definitly be in there, as will the Risorgimento, a period that always caught my eye but is so limited here in Belgium on an intrest level...
In larger scale figures, I'm looking at games like Shadespire, MESBG Battle Companies, Burrows and Badgers, Kill Team... those kinds of small scale Skirmish games that I can field on the tabletop of a living room table. But it allows me to play the games more regularly and prevent me from when I do play them, having to look up rules all the time once I got them under the knee. It also adds the benefit of "focussed painting" that way.
Another benefit is that it will be countering my withdrawal symptons from clublife and gaming. Ever since buying the appartement and Noshi getting pregnant, club life is going slow and I'm managing to barely get a game a month in. Which isn' to good for my "work mood" as I don't have my blow of steam vent opened as much, and believe me, my job (which I love) does bring stress with it as well. But this way, I can get games in on the weekends I can't get there, and document them, which is one part of the hobby I love doing: brabbling.
The way I'll be running the games themselves is something I'm actually studying right now, by looking at certain YouTube channels and see how they play their solo games, like TheSoloWargamingShow for one, and I guess I'll be going down the road of writing up "plans" for both sides as well as target priorities, and see how it goes from there once the fickle finger of fate starts throwing them in the garbage can.
So to that end, I'm just as curious as you guys and gals how it will all turn out, because I have no idea myself at the moment on how to make those lovely documentaries for YouTube ;-)
The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
55 minuten geleden
I hope to come to enjoy solo-wargaming. It has many benefits.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk ben er een beetje laat mee, maar ik heb een 6mm 1859/1866 projectje op stapel staan (er zijn al wat Oostenrijkers en Pruisen, er wachten nog heel wat Oostenrijkers, Pruisen, Italianen en Fransen...). Ik woon in Zoersel, dus tegen de tijd dat je iets geschilderd hebt is er wellicht iets af te spreken. Succes met de diverse projecten, vooral met die ene figuur op schaal 1:1! ;-)