Ready for a third year of painting in the Challenge, I once again gaze upon my unpainted models to decide which models I'll hopefully get done during it's course.
Taking into account that during the closing stages Little Ipsqueek will be arriving, that means I'll have to start strong, then slowly fizzle out to be honest.
I've set myself a goal of 1000 points for this edition, and while it won't be "pure" Middle Earth like last year, it will never the less be heavy on that department, but with some added flavours of various things to go along.
Like some 40k, some scenery, a heap of anime game figures... mainly stuff from the various game systems I did keep after the moving of places. But still, most will be Tolkien though, and scenery...
The rules are once again to be found on the AHPC blog, HERE.
Some things I want to get finished during the challenge? A couple of MESBG Battle Companies for certain to begin with, and some additional rank and file rabble for larger armies. High on the list here are the Rohirrim (prepped for last year's!!!! challenge, and just didn't get round to them the past year), battle companies for Arnor, Lothlorien, Rangers, Easterlings and The Shire, and if time given, more rank and file Uruk-hai and Mordor orcs.
On the scenery side, I'm looking mostly to get my small plastic Renedra houses and such done, to fill the table in a more Middle-Earth style, and if my Ender should arrive before the challenge, a whole battery of printed scenery as well...
I will also need to do some serious work on getting my "The Great Wall" inspired Empire army for the 9th Age of the ground, including the necessary converions and such to make it a worthy tournament force. So that'll mean a LOT of resin cleaning the coming days to prepare them.
I'm also aiming to get some Tau done perhaps and then especially the ones I wanted to make as a Kill team (when that game came out, go figure...), and a bunch of the still to paint Crisis figures (see The Vault tab at the top of this blog) so I can finally show them all off in their painted glory. For the Tau in addition, and if I have the time, this will be hopefully my SEED Destiny inspired bodyguard unit of ZAFT suits next to the above mentioned unit.
Other "side projects" I'd like to tackle during this challenge are our bands for the Underworlds game system, a bunch of 6mm Gundams for both Future War Commander and Mobile Suit Skirmish and some dribs and drabs for other boardgames like Arcadia Quest... and those Amazons from 2 challenges ago really should be dusted off and painted up for Blood Bowl as we are having a league again this year at TSA... what you mean, slacking???
Now, the big change this year is that there aren't any bi-weekly bonus challenges, but instead there will be a treasure map with themed bonuses as you go. So I'm going to aim at finishing those, and even maybe reach the famed X which marks the spot!
So that should give me a nice tally when the challenge ends of completed figures, if all goes well and my little Hobbit keeps to his schedule to emerge from his Hobbit Hole...
From KentG: 28mm Canterbury takes Eureka miniatures figures (115pts)
This week has been crazy busy very hard to find time to paint
But still a great week
The miniatures this week come from Eureka miniatures
This set has not...
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