The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
Sellswords in Bogland Game 2
Ian and Ross came over for the second game in our Boglanders mini-campaign.
This time they needed to traverse the Webbed Wyldwood and search the
Giant's ...
From GeoffT: A mixed bag (55 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a mixed bag of miniatures. 11 x 28mm foot.
Three pulp figures, looks like gangsters. One has a pig under his arm fo...
Wargaming's future depends on THIS
Miniature wargaming is an incredible hobby, but to thrive, we need to take
it beyond game stores and conventions. In this video, we discuss the
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Fallschirmjägers
This weekend I also took stock of the small force of Fallschirmjägers that
I have - to see how close they might be to fielding a playable force for
Bolt ...
Hooptedoodle #474 - as you were
Today's developments in Washington have caused a change of heart here.
There is nothing I wish to discuss further about that unbelievable
kindergarten ...
Empire army for Warhammer Old World
I was really exited when warhammer the old world was released so i just had
to build me a Empire army of my leftover warhammer minis from back in the
Yet more kobolds for Fantastic Scuffles!
Here are another seven 28mm Warp Miniatures kobolds, completed to add to my
'horde' party for playtesting *Fantastic Scuffles*.
These are such wonderful ...
A Song for the Song
*A Headless Body Production*
*Venue*: An Undisclosed Basement
*Event*: Sunday Afternoon
*Players*: Phil Gardocki running Goryeo Korean
Jungle is massive*
*You can Google it up if you like, but trust me it’s really not going to be
your bag daddyo.
Anywhoo…Had a few problems with the old noggin just lately b...
A Trio of Villains for 'Hametsu'
Hey There!
This trio of villains is for our Hametsu adventures. Two bosses: a
*Shikigami* a *Nogitsune,* and a Oni Captain. In Hametsu the Bosses enter
Hobby year 2024 in retrospect and plans for 2025
Another very active hobby year gone by
Song (ASOIAF) continues to dominate "what I play", even if it dropped by
some 20 games palyes compared to 2023, i...
2024 in review
Slightly delayed, but here is my annual look back at the previous year, and
comparing it to the plans that I made at the start of the year…
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