So our annual event is coming very close now, and as every yer, traders came and traders went in the final weeks running up to the event.
Personally, Baccus was the biggest loss for myself, as I had a devilish plan to lure Nemesis into historical musket age games...
But that also means it is that time of the year to draw up the shopping list for Crisis, and I divided my shopping list into three parts: the must haves (figures I`m out to score at the event), the essentials (supplies) and those if permitted (stuff that intrest me but will depend on deals of the day).
So without further ado, here we go
The Must Haves
Not that much is found in this category, as I am only after the lookout for two packs of Adler 6mm figures: Italian infantry and Italian support weapons, adding to them some Italian command strips.
And that is about all there is this year I really want to get
The Essentials
On the hobby supply front, my shopping will be very limited as well. I`m after a few bottles of Vallejo Iraqi sand, and some Afrika Corps wash from AK, both I can probably get at my regular dealer, Dax Magic.
Small size round Renedra bases, to base all those CO`s and recce units on, as well as some more for 40x20 bases and 60x30 bases as well as to transport 6mm forces in once finished I'll need to drop by KR Multicases
If Permitted
If the deals are good, and the pound to euro ratio favourable, I will be looking out for some other things as well.
To expand my "Gundam" force in Future War Commander, I`m going to be looking at Brigade Models for some more Neo Soviet tanks. These are 2x Mammont Super Heavy Tank, 4x Rosomakha Light Tank, 3x Molotok SPG, 4x Mech Tank Hunter, 2x Volk Assault Gun and 4x Laska Tankette. That should give me enough variables for my force to field the necessary ground support for the large walkers of the CAV list.
Another "branded" item I will be looking out for are the Cruel Seas rulebook, as well as the Regia Marina fleet to go with it, from Warlord Games.
For the rest, it's going to be some looking around for on the one hand 6mm suited terrain, and on the other hand for "mouse mat fabric" 2d templates for certain terrain features.
So all in all, a very, very modest Crisis shopping list this year, and the urge to ward off Impulse Buys will of course be countered (succesfully???) with all my might...
The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
1 uur geleden
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