Slowly and surely I`m catching up enjoying all these lovely produced fanzines, and this time we are at the summer of 2018, nearing the end of the previous edition of the game.
And it is all centered about a year in the making, awesome piece of terrain, the Stone Giants from the The Hobbit movie.
The issue starts with the snippets from the SBG Towers, including some facts about the above mentioned piece of very impressive terrain.
The first big article is the continuation of How to Win a Golden Demon, and Dave's diorama of charging elves and dwarves.
In the Dr's Corner, Damian looks back at his first attempts of designing a game, called Warfleet, which was a 28mm scale game of naval warfare for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, including scratchbuild vessels.
While in the Dr's Mother, a new column, his mom looks back on how she has seen her son being formed into a wargaming lover.
The second part of the Iron Hill's Tactica this month takes a look at the war machines Dain brings along with his forces, the Ballista's and the mighty Chariot.
In the first of two Battle reports this month, Thorin's Company tries to escape the ambush of Goblin Town as the Stone Giants battle it out amongst each other in a huge thunderstorm.
An article detailing the build and converting of the Champions of Erebor chariot is next in this issue.
In Painting Masterclass Bilbo is given the treatment, while there is also a short converting guide about making Gundabad Warg Riders.
In the second Battle Report, the chariot that was seen above is put through her paces, as it tries to race to Raven Hill while the forces of Gundabad ambush it at every stretch.
And we round out the issue with the Hobby Blog, to see what the whole studio crew has been up to the past weeks and months.
Another finely produced issue of the Middle Earth fanzine to be, and be sure to check the magazine out and order your backcopies if you would like to know more!
The Week That Was...
While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I
did manage four games over the past seven days.
Three of the games saw a retur...
1 uur geleden
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