zaterdag 19 oktober 2024

On the Painting Desk 301

 And so another week has gone by and brushes have stroked.

All in all a pretty good week, if though I have some serious RL issues running at the moment.

But the paintbrush provided some welcome distraction to collect thoughts.  As a result, my orktober project has been finished, and I'll show it in a few days during a seperate post.  I have been assembling some models, but got way more in the pipeline, so expect a pretty filled desk in next week's overview.

On the other hand, I do hope by then to have finished those pillars, the blunderbuss unit and if all goes very well Drepur's as well.

So check back next week to see where we stand, in the ever more hopeless battle to make my Chaos Dwarfs Online BATG challenge!

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