donderdag 24 oktober 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Casual Night: Back with the trusted

 So over the course of the past months, I tried several combinations for the Benelux clash in 10 days.

And nothing really got my fancy, so I decided last moment to go back to my trusted combination of Elathain's Soulraid with Force of Frost (yes, that is that deck that was reviewed on the Critical Focus Channel).

If I am to end up in the bottom half, at least I will do so with a combination I feel comfortable playing.

Going into game 1, I faced Peter and the very effective combination of Skittershank's Clawpack paired with Hungering Parasite.  Previous efforts I stood chanceless, so let's see how we did this time round with something I know how to pilot.

The warbands deployed, and Fuirann immediatly charged Skulck but missed her attack for a fast point of glory. 

This resulted in the brave Akhelian being swamped by the vile ratmen, being pushed back onto Spinefin's shoal token wounded.

Duinclaw comes to her rescue, and he fares better, his mighty claws cutting the little rat into two pieces.

But retaliation comes swiftly, as Snyp Padpaw takes Fuirann down in revenge for his lost brethren.

Elathain joins in the big melee, wounding and pushing Snyp back with the aid of Spinefin and Duinclaw.

The result however after the first round was a 4-5 lead for the Skaven assassins.

In the beginning of the second turn, Elathain charged Snyp again, taking him out this time.

In the meantime, Slynk Skittershank, who now carried the Bane of Heroes, infiltrated into my territory, away from the charge crazed aelves of the Soulraid.

 Krowch't is taken down by a valiant Duinclaw once more, the mighty crab having a field day today it seems.

Spinefin appears next to Slynk, injecting his Spinefin Toxin to prevent him from being able to grab the objective and potentially score, as I knew there is such a card in Peter's deck.

But he managed to bring Kreep Kinwhisper over, and transfer the Bane of Heroes to him instead, still allowing him to score the objective.

Pinging Spinefin away as a result, the second round stood at a 10-10 score, the Soulraid putting up a much bigger fight then all my previous efforts.

 Elathain charges Slynk now, as a battle of leaders errupts.

The Ill-faithed is victorious, but his fate is indeed ill as in a reaction from a card, the falling Skaven leader manages to ping off the final wound from the Idoneth leader as well.  And one that yields 2 glory due to him being a large fighter with Born from Agony equipped.

This leaves only Kreep to deal with, who is at one wound remaining... 

Duinclaw charges and pushes the ratman closer to the lethal hex, hoping Tammael can take the rat out as he had just healed himself two wounds with another ploy.  This meant the rat was back on a single wound remaining.

But Tammael is shot down first unfortunatly, yet it didn't seem lost as the rat would ping itself dead if I prevented Duinclaw getting near.

Keeping Spinefin of table for a bit, Duinclaw moved to the edge of the board outside the rats range, but Peter drew Divine Fortitude in his 3rd activation.

This allowed Kreep to survive, but also to let him score no less then 5 glory in the end phase.  While I scored Cold of the Void, this also meant I couldn't score Dead or Doomed anymore.  Had he not drawn the card, the points would not have been 15-20 as the game ended right now, but 19-15 as I would have scored 3 from the objective and 1 for the dead rat, and he losing the 5 of the end phase.  But alas, it was not to be.  Still, a VERY tense game that could swing any way and that gave me serious confidence for the returning of my good old Frosty Soulraid.

In the second game, I faced the other Peter who brought along Hedkrakka's Madmob with Breakneck Slaughter, so that means some furious Orruk aggro comming my way!

Now, considering I have recently been toying with this combination as an idea as well, I had a vague idea of what to expect as both warbands deployed.
 Fuirann advanced into the cover hex, only to be wounded and piushed back by Wollop Da Skull.

In the meantime, Duinclaw, who really had a blast evening, took down Toofdagga, who had already been wounded by Tammael's harpoon.

Dakko Sharp-Stikka advanced, overcoming Forgotten Nightmares and taking out Fuirann with a well-placed arrow to her chest.

Both warbands now huddles around No Man's Land, the score was 3-5 in favour of the Madmob.

In the second turn, with the Soulraid inspired, Elathain charged the big axe wielder, dispatching him with ease.

Hedkrakka attacked, sliding away though afterwards with his momentum counters, as he had missed his attack to boot as Duinclaw defended on a critical.

Another charge came from the crazed shaman, Duinclaw again saving his carapace, and the shaman slid onwards into a lethal hex, and wounded by Frozen to the Spot.  This allowed for a charging Tammael to harpoon the enemy leader down... and give me that Primacy token.

This left Dakko now surrounded by the Soulraid... and at that moment the score was 8-5 for Elathain and Peter yielded the match, making it a 15-0 victory for the Idoneth Deepkin in what was an avelanche that started to roll out (I would have scored at least, including the Primacy token, 5 more points in that end phase with Chill of the Grave, Tides of Death and Unseen Menace in hand) and would have sealed the deal anyways in favour of Elathain.

So, a good night, even if I lost the first game, it felt like a guinene chance (heck, if it comes down to a single power card being drawn, that is a serious chance) and boosting morale a bit for Benelux clash, to at least see and end there around the halfway mark of the table!

Maybe I can get another few practice games in next week, but if not, it doesn't matter that much as I have enough experience with this warband anyways.


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