vrijdag 25 oktober 2024

The Expanse season 6

 Long overdue, but I finally watched the final season of the excellent The Expanse science fiction series.

Those backlogs are becoming a drama to be honest...

But counting 6 episodes, this rounds out the story of the Rocinante.  In which it all starts to getting tense onboard when the crew make a startling discovery on an asteroid.  In the meantime, Marcos keeps launching asteroids at Earth and Mars even though he is faced with an internal struggle with Filip, who more and more becomes a sex crazed power abuser.

Bobbi is send out by chairman Avarsala to join the Rocinante in an undercover mission, as beyond the rings a young girl discovers that a local species brought back a dead bird-like creature mother to life.  Drummer decides to make an uneasy alliance with Avarsala, making part of the Belt fight alongside the Earth / Mars alliance versus Marco.  They take the war to Marco, as it becomes personal for Holden and Naomi when they face his vessel, Holden disabling the killshot against the enemy at the last moment.

This finds him at odds with his crew, but he confesses he doesn't have what it takes to be the man that kills her son.  On Ceres, the Earthers must see to contain a growing humanitarian crisis as Marco, becoming more power hungry and delusional, destroys their water supply.  

Beyond the rings however, a young boy gets killed, but is brought back to life by the being.  However, this turns out to be a sort of protomolecule reanimation, and the now black eyed looking boy is locked away by his parents, yet escaped with the help of his sister into the forests.

The war itself reaches a critical highpoint, as the Rocinante takes out the last line of defence of Marco, a railgun station that secured the rings.  As Marco tries to escape, his engine is overloaded and he dissolves to an atomic level while entering the rings.  Filip had escaped though, unknown to Naomi, in a repair skiff he was piloting at the time of the fight, setting out into space.  The Rocinante crew take on their future roles, Holden made president of the newly founded transport union with the Belt.  Only to resign immediatly as his first act and installing Drummer in charge instead.

So the season ended on a high note, and as such the series, even though there are still some loose ends.  What becomes of Filip?  What plays out behind the rings?  Maybe I should really start reading the books (the Leviathan Rising series), but I must say, looking back on the series it has changed a LOT from it's initial who dunnit mystery and the protomolecule business.

But, it remains one of the later years better sci-fi shows, and something you should seriously watch if you haven't so far!

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