donderdag 10 oktober 2024

On Tour to the Frituur part 8: Jill's Frituur Royale in Kontich

 Recently when visiting my sister-in-law, we decided to get fries for dinner, so time for another visit to a new place.


Labelling itself as a "better" fries place, I was curious to try this place out for certain!

Located in Kontich at the Duffelsesteenweg, it has an extensive menu, and to order online, you have to install their app.  The card had luxury burgers, but also fresh stoofvlees (stew), always my favourite, so needless to say that was going on my to get list.


Now, on the app it showed a large portion in an aluminium container, so it looked like that would warrant the quite excessive price of 8.80 euro...
 Seeing the place from the inside, it was indeed fancy shmancy with ample seating, and even a lot of outdoor seatings for a summery day like it was.  But we took take-away and enjoy it in the garden at the family so Thorin could keep enjoying the last days of fine weather in his little swimming pool.

My order

So the stoofvlees was ordered, together with a Playboy special (a larger sized smoked cervela sausage with mayo, ketchup and fresh onions) and of course fries, clocking in at 15.50 due to the stew as mentioned above.

And what a disappointment this was... the stew came in a tiny plastic container, having a full 3 medium sized pieces of meat.  Nothing at all like the picture in the app showed!  The fries where baked average, at least my Playboy offered some comfort...


Way overpriced stoofvlees, small portions and not the best baked fries... this clearly wasn't a winner at all.  I am afraid this will be an insufficient on the score card, as I'm giving the place a 3.5 out of 10, and won't be revisiting this place any time soon...

Well, that's another instalment of my culinairy adventures in fries, hopefully the next place will be a better experience, and I already have my eye on one with a very specific "specialty".  Now to see to get there and then you can read all about it here!

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