Round 8, the final round of the first season of the Brush Slave League! A victory would finish me with a positive records, and the bonus team, Thank You CDO!, meant points are awarded if your entry is Chaos dwarf related.
So I went to paint up a team of my beloved Sneaky Gitz... and got very lucky in the draw to be put against a `repeat offender` entry, resulting in a strong 24 vs 3 win. The round can be checked right here.
Woop woop, it`s just awaiting for the League final table now, and see if we managed a top 5 finish overall... and then go on into Season 2 whoch will be starting right after season 1. Has to do with keeping the motivation of the League going, and with another 8 monts to result in the planned run time for season 3 from summer to spring.
In the meantime I have been working some more on the Hobgoblin unit, and it halfway stands at it`s completed 30 man strong unit:
Seems to be an upcomming Unfinished Business post in the making for sometime in the not to far future now hehe.
But first, let`s start working on the next season of the BSL and finish those last models for the 24ths Duo tournament at the double!
A Look at Some Akkadians
While time at the painting desk seems at a premium of late due to other
distractions, work continues albeit at a slower pace. What time I find,
4 uur geleden
Very nice good old classic sneaky gits! Fingers crossed for you!